System Pics 2024

I’ve never heard Isobariks, but I’ve owned Kans and loved them. My dealer many years ago told me that some customers who upgraded from Kans to Isobariks ended up returning to the Kans as they are faster and more involving. What’s your opinion here as someone who’s used both?

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Thank you - made it myself…

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Tks for your feedback. I have no doubt the ME1 is a sweet spot in terms of fun and pricing. Will do a serious listening between these 2 highly regarded speakers!

My Naim dealer uses an NC250 with his isobariks at home and thinks it is a great match

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Hi @BBWan those racks look superb!
I’d like to have a go at making something similar and would be interested in the wood you used and rough construction notes?

Hi Blackstar, I assume you meant me rather than BBWan??
I will check the measurements and post them…

NAC42.5, NAP110 and HiCap. Freshly back from service. Sounding pretty nice. Looking smart too. Giving them a few weeks before I have to decide if my XS3 gives way to them! Or a XS3/CB hybrid emerges. Anyway, Phil France, Circle, on the 1200 during a quick break from work 8)


Looking good @Cohen1263

When does the Sigao Drive arrive for evaluation?

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Shortly Ian

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I really am interested how it compares to the Linn Exakt I currently have, but with an upcoming house move I need to pause and let the finances recover.
I’m sure it will be different to the Snaxo /SC but whatever it brings, you’ll enjoy the evaluation process.



Isobariks and Kans are very special speakers. They have a wonderful slightly woody colouration in the lower midrange that makes double basses and bass guitar sound very pleasing, and both have a tight but ample bass and it doesn’t feel lean or threadbare. And the tweeter is very famous and used by Naim as well with a smooth but clear presentation. Kans are really amazing and when driven by a NAP 250 and above are just wow! Isobariks have a punchy bass and a lot more scale and space and a real wall of sound but have a naturalness and tonality that many modern speakers just get wrong (many modern speakers are just too bright). Isobariks can also really drive a room and go as fast as Kans with no issues. One of my best moments has been Isobariks passive really loud on vinyl and active SL2. BUT, Isobariks need driving - 300 minimum, but get that right nothing to beat them, and do watch out for bass resonances in your room as they have serious bass power!


The problem with Sigao is that it will keep your system in total silence, even with the volume at max.

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You have lost me Rooster! No idea what that means

Very nice Dev. Looks like an Audio Research CD player has joined the party too :sunglasses:


Sigao = greek for silence. I’m guessing Kudos took the name because it will run silently (i.e. no power, no fan etc)

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The term comes from the Greek.



Parts of SpeechVerb

Sigao Definition

  1. to keep silence, hold one’s peace
  2. to be kept in silence, be concealed

Got it. :+1:


It will be interesting to hear if I agree with all the reports on how great it “sounds”. This will be my last major upgrade for sure


Listen to Nils Frahm a bit loud and enjoying an espresso.