System Pics 2024

Hi @DerekC thanks for your response - I just felt after reading your profile purely to ascertain the exact make up of components in your system and seeing your story that the last thing you needed was for someone to just “wade in” and criticise it. We are all here I hope to be friends, helpful and respectful to each other but because I suffer with depression and anxiety and other similar problems I saw something I didn’t feel was appropriate in the circumstances. Take care sir and long may you enjoy your beautiful system.


That’s a lovely looking system


Well, @Marq has gone and upset me now, with a picture including beautiful windows and picture rails. I’m getting a severe case of old house green eyes.


DerekC stunning setup there fits in beautifully no problems regarding power strip. Does not spoil the beauty of your setup its that way for a reason


To put things in perspective guys, on tuesday I received bad news about my health and my cancer has now spread not just to the liver but to one of my lungs. I thought I was having a liver resection op. There is another lesion in my liver and the other lesion has increased in size. Now I am looking at chemo to sustain my life with no chance of cure. They won’t do an op or attempt cure now. They are looking at sustaining my life. I have metastatic cancer and it’s likely to spread more. I am gutted to be honest.

I have been told I have two years to live. As most of you know I have been battling cancer and doing my best to make the most of life.

Very soon I will be loosing a full head of hair and will be undergoing intensive treatment that will make me live a little longer, but in the process weaker physically.

I love my family, my kids and you guys on here. I try to pour oil on troubled waters because the arguments on here aren’t worth it.

Now please show each other love, compassion and respect. We all have great systems whether it be Chrome Bumper, Olive, Unity, Classic, New Classic or non Naim systems. Be kind and considerate!

Sending you thanks for all your support through what can only be described as difficult times for me!

You guys are wonderful and be the best that you can be. We should be unified on this forum, no need for fighting!


Well said DerekC has a beautiful system and proud of it i would be

Dan I’m so sorry, I hope the outcome is the best it can possibly be. Take care.


I know I’m a stranger, I don’t know if you need a hug, a brew, a pint, or a rough pat on the back, or all four, happy for any/all none of them. Take care Dan


Thanks Pete, I was hopeful of cure. This has blown it out of the water unfortunately. Right now staying positive is proving difficult.


Hang in there, fight as long as you feel like it. Thinking of you.


Hey, thanks. All the above. It all helps. Appreciate it.


Oh dear……you are a very brave man, take care of yourself……the forum tends to lose all perspective at times🙏


Clearly I don’t know you but that’s a sad and moving post which I can’t help but acknowledge. Not much I can say beyond I feel for you and your family.


Chrome Bumper


That’s awful news Dan. It was a dreadful situation for you, and to have that hope dashed must be beyond difficult. My thoughts are with you, and any time you feel the need to share, share away if it helps. Remember, there are some very cool bald guys out there!


The forum, my system, the music provides a vital distraction to all the turmoil in my life.

It’s what I leave behind that hurts most with 4 children who need their father.

This forum is a great place. I love this place! So stop fighting.

Some system pics please!


Well, I may well change profile pic when I make the move to shave my head. A wig has been suggested! I don’t know that I can do it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Mrs HH’s sister’s hair fell out when she had chemo. She bought various wigs and hated them all, so wore a jaunty headscarf. At least as a bloke you can just wear a cap and no-one will say, ah, they are having chemo. A small comfort maybe.


Having ordered new kit I’ll have new some pics to post in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, take care, stay positive. I for one have really enjoyed your posts and will be thinking of you even though we have never met. It seems you have (virtual) friends here.


And also in response to Dan’s request for pictures, here’s our setup

TV into UQ1 (actually via AppleTV) into Neat Iotas.

For the nosey/astute, the horrendous wallpaper finally got replaced. The floor took me 6 weekends to sand back from the very dark and cupped boards. Never again!