System Pics 2024

It may be hard to untangle the Aura from the overall uplift in sound, but how much of a difference did you find the Naia brings over the P10? Is it an obvious and clear upgrade or more lateral with a different rather than better sound? I love my P10 but I’ll admit that the idea of trading up to the Naia does lurk in the back of my head.


I’m still forming an opinion on it. Depth and detail seems to be more to me, I was curious whether I was going to have a less emotional reaction given some of the reviews did speak to a more “analytical” sound. Listented to 2x Pink Floyd (Wish you were here and Final Cut); Michelle Branch (the trouble with fever) and the aforementioned Love over gold. The Final Cut is an especially impactful album I find - albeit a rather grim one message wise. Across those albums I had a good number of “wow this is good” moments.

About to start listening session #2 with a spot of 80s Marillion and them some jazz and classical to follow that.

Also going to tinker with the Load setting - dealer left it set on 300, but the manual says use 100 for Rega MC cartridges. About to email them to ask about that. Will report back further.


For Apheta 3 into Aura, 100, and only 100, worked for me.


Thanks. Now playing with that set.

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Let us know!

“Take 5” sounds magnificent - original analogue albums still sound better IMO than the remastered stuff.

Will need longer with the load stuff - might prefer it slightly on 300 than 100. Need to listen to the same piece a few times back to back and compare.

In general this really has that character of feeling like you are there listening to it being recorded.


What are your impressions between the p10 and NAIA

Take 5 is a great track I just wish the drums were in the centre of the soundstage rather than to the left

Push the mono button! :sunglasses:


Yep, 100 is the standard setting with Rega cartridge and the value i have on my RPT10/Aura,

Been a while since I posted my system…

Since last time I’ve moved up from a Nait XS2 to a Supernait 2, which is fed from a CD5X (both HiCap’d).

There’s a Planar 3 in there for all things analogue, and a set of Hifiman Edition XS for late night grooving too!

I think the Neat Motive SE2 speakers are now out-gunned by the rest of the kit, so likely look to audition something more suitable down the line - I hear ProAC Response are a good match, so will definitely add them to the shortlist.

In my journey from a Nait 5i all the way to Supernait (while I adore the Supernait) I think the Nait XS2 is probably the sweet spot in terms of bang for buck. Particularly when you add a well matched set of speakers and an outboard power supply - it is a fantastic thing.


Great photo set
Particularly the close up work
Nice :+1:

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Using the Uniti Star with a LP12 and ND555 as sources. NAP 300 is having a break whilst the 552 is boxed up and going away for a repair. Sounds better than it should, proving source first still rules :flushed:


Some magic Naim dust there Mike :grin:

What happened to your 552 Mike?

The story is over here:

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If stacking directly, you might get a free upgrade placing the amp on top of the CD player. Allows heat to rise into open air and the weight of the amp provides some damping to the CD player.


So Nait50 soon then :sunglasses: More
or less everyone that send their pre for service are surprised that the difference seem so small between expensive and “cheap”.

SL2s substituted for the SBLs


Now, I know auditory memorial is not the most reliable of things, but I’d swear that the upgraded LP12 (pretty much at Seleck level) through the Star sounds better than the old LP12 through the 552/300. Even the ND555 through Star beats the NDX2/XPSDR/SN2 set up I had I reckon. Crazy stuff. Gosh, can’t wait to run the LP12 through the 552/300 - it will be immense.

Well, no doubt if I push the Star hard, things might slip a bit. But no doubt, better sources on the Star are very good, and in surprising areas - detail, bass control. I was playing Rumours on the LP12 as reference material, and I had a WTF moment - it sounds this good through a Star!