System Pics 2024

But then I’d have to get a six pack!

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Isn’t it always?!

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Well…as was mentioned above, better get started building those Fraim stacks! :rofl:


My system is in a state of flux right now. I have moved on my CDS II/52/SNAXO 2-4/Supercap/250s/SBLs and am using a Uniti Atom HE with a pair of Acoustic AE1 actives as a stop gap. When the new system for the living room arrives, I plan to move the Atom HE and the AE1s to the spare bedroom I’m using as a home office.


What new system are you going for?

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Ooooh, interesting. Where have you got the AE1’s placed (desktop, stands etc.) and how do they pair with the Atom HE?

“It really ties the room together” :joy:


All will be revealed in this thread in a couple of months when the new system is installed. :grinning:


I have the AE1s on their dedicated stands. They pair with the Atom HE very well.


Hi,How are you getting on with the D10x is it what you expected i am finally in the market but not sure which one to go for the D10x or D07x some people say they are close but they are not owners.

I love mine thanks. It’s performed flawlessly since getting a new replacement after the first unit was faulty.
Heaven only knows how many thousands hours listening time it’s had.
Built like a bank vault, sounds wonderful imo. Loads of details, it really digs out all the information on disc, but in a nice way. Never harsh (not in my system anyway). It’s simply a joy to use and listen too.
I haven’t heard any other models so I can’t comment on any comparisons made.

Great thanks for reply that’s a great help nice system you have thanks again.

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Replaced the P10 with a Naia and upgraded the phono stage to the Aura. Kept the cartridge from the P10 for now. Will leave that upgrade till later.

Enjoying some vinyl spinnage for the afternoon.


Very nice.

Very nice setup :wink: and with which cartridge ?

I would assume that if he kept the Cartridge from the P10 it will probably be an Aphetta 3, although it could be an Aphelion 2🤔
Mind you, if Dan already has the Aphelion 2, then the only upgrade would be away from Rega, which wouldn’t make sense given the Rega solution he’s developed…:man_shrugging:t2:

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I bought the P10 with the Apheta 3, and have had that moved over to the Naia. No second hand value in the cartridge, so figured I would use it for a while longer before moving to the Aphelion.

Sounding lovely so far. Album three is Love over Gold - the album my parents next door neighbour came round to complain about the volume for the day I got my Aiwa stereo in 1980-something.


Not a out the volume, presumably… :wink::joy:


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Hi just interested are you using xlr or rca with the d10x and what make.

XLR, my system is all balanced connections. Chord Signature Tuned Array cables used.