System Pics 2024

Yep always for me source first

Here in Sydney I’ve hooked up the LP12 ARO/ Superline/ SupercapDR/armageddon to the Nait 50

Wonderful music indeed, push it hard though who knows :flushed:


I hope your 552DR is fixed quickly @Mike_S and locally! Its always nice to have a few bits floating around for backup, nice combo by the way, Star / ND555 you must be the first.

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Wow, that is a meticulously clean lounge! Good to see this thread is back on topic showcasing some of the tidiest living rooms in the country (and around the world)!

I better close this tab quickly before my wife sees and I get lumbered cleaning ours up to the same standard :joy:


I had never thought of stacking the CD player under the amp.
I’ll give it a go - thanks!

It was standard practice 30 years ago when I worked in a hifi shop. For the reasons stated.

I’ve never compaired but also never had reason to do it differently.

Downsizing? Quite the best bit of kit Naim has produced simply amazing.


I read about your misfortune with your SL2s, but casting aside any difference in performance, I think the styling of the SBLs is way, way better. A real design classic. I wish I’d kept mine.


Thanks Clive. Its the first time the SBLs have been setup in this room, myself and Vicki prefer the look and finish of the SBL over the SL2 in this space.
Many years ago a close friend gave me these SBLs, he owned them for nearly 20 years!!


I agree. I also rather like the side table supporting your Muso. Can you tell us a more about it?

Yes I bunked off work in the CIty and nipped over to a sort of retro shop in Chiswick around 2015. They wrapped it up and I got on the tube and then on the Hi Speed train down to Hythe on the Kent coast.

Amazing how you walk along carrying a table and it becomes a magnet to every man woman child and beast.

But got it home safely it’s a Danish teak telephone table.


Great story. Thanks! I looked it up on the internet and I found that it was made by Salin. regrettably, that specimen had already been sold.

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They do look superb in that space sir, shame it was a disaster that brought them there though🫤

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Yes they’re incredible speakers, probably why they’re so revered :+1:


And the shop is still going…in fact we got our dining table from there…


The only thing I didn’t like about my SBLs was moving them and putting them back into their boxes with all the packing - I can recall it taking well over an hour to do it. But they were fantastic speakers.

A french company is making speakers only based on SBL. They named them Xylude.
Apparently it’s their favourite Naim speaker.

Pic from Synthèse haute fidélité.


Each one with their own special musical sound. One is going to have to go though. Incredibly, despite the comparatively lack of bass, the PMC just gets the edge and so much more detail.


No, the brand name is Xulyde.

You have 2 models
The little one : MD1
The big one : MD3


I purchased new speakers nearly two months ago & posted under the ‘new gear’ thread at the time.

Now that they have a good few hours under their belt I felt I should renew my system pictures although all I have done is to replace small ProAc’s with slightly larger ones, so the pictures don’t look a lot different!

I was reluctant to change, as the D2R’s looked too big in my smallish listening room on the existing Atacama stands. I then realised that both speakers footprints were almost identical & the only difference was that the D2R’s were 4" taller. I therefore got Atacama to make custom stands 4" inches shorter & with a top plate the exact size of the D2R’s. As luck would have it, the new stands are only available with bamboo bases & these almost exactly match the speakers walnut finish. The new speakers/stands take up exactly the same space as before & look fine to me.

Going back to the DB1’s would not be much of a hardship as I enjoyed them so much. However, unsurprisingly, whilst the D2R’s share the same sound signature they are a noticeable improvement in all other areas of performance, bass, mids & treble as well as providing a larger side to side/front to back soundstage & a more ‘solid’ (for want of a better description) sound of the kind I have only heard from much larger & expensive systems at my dealers demo events.

As an example of what they can do, I played The Who’s Tommy last night. This is a rip of the (approx.) 2012 remaster. It has always disappointed me, sounding lack lustre & very much ‘of its’ time’ with the DB1’s. It sounded fantastic with the D2R’s, full of detail I had not heard before & with an overall SQ that suggested it could have been a recent recording & not a 55 year old one. Looking forward to listening to my 50 year old vinyl copy & my 2012 CD remaster of Quadrophenia, which sounded fine with the DB1’s.

My Nova drives the new speakers with ease, suggesting that it would welcome & be quite capable with even better ones! The D2R’s also sound as if they would improve even more when driven with more exotic amplification.

I have read here that ProAc’s ribbon tweeters need a lot of running in &, whilst good from the start, the sound has improved with more running so there may still be some way to go.

I demoed the speakers as they were supposedly a step up from my DB1’s & therefore did not read any reviews until after I purchased them. All the reviews rated them very highly indeed & the observations made correspond closely with what I am hearing. My dealer considers them to be the sweet spot in the ProAc range when balancing SQ with price.

To conclude, delighted with the D2R’s so far & not considering any further speaker changes unless the lottery numbers come up & I can afford a house with a much larger listening room!

Old DB1’s:-

New D2R’s:-

Old & new:-


How big is your room?