System Pics 2024

About 15ft long by 10ft wide, with an extra 2 ft deep alcove where the hi- fi, TV is.


Great description, and a fine way to approach improving SQ without being spoiled too much from reviews… Enjoy!

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Hey all I thought I’d share my basic’ish setup, I’ve just started my journey and can’t wait for it all to line up and the sound to truly be other world-ly. Fyi the frog is called mord


nice tape deck also!

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Any excuse to play The Who is fine with me.


Wait, wait, have ProAc got rid of those ugly grille holes? I am calling my dealer tomorrow and I am replacing my “old” Oak ones with no holes pair immediately :slight_smile:


Ingenious use of stereo N-Cents!


Yes, they now have magnetic grills.

I believe that this was planned a while ago but I may have got one of the first pairs to have them as I ordered mine in mid-December last year & they did not arrive until early June as, so I’m told, ProAc’s cabinet maker cancelled the contract with them & several other speaker makers with short or no notice. This seemed to me like a possible attempt to give competitors severe difficulties & thereby boost sales of their own speakers by reducing the number of alternative speakers available in a very depressed hi-fi market. Yes, the cabinets are, or rather were, made by another well known UK speaker manufacture.

To further compound my wait, there was a further 5 week delay when ProAc discovered a complete batch of their ribbon tweeters were faulty & had to be replaced! Still, all’s well that ends well. I have the speakers now & am thrilled with them in my system.

With my long wait for the speakers I can’t understand how @Dan_M has a Musso in the morning, decides by lunch time that he wants a full Statement system & has it installed & is reporting to us all about it by teatime! Sorry Dan, hope you don’t mind a bit of ‘artistic licence at’ your expense!

The only problem I now have is that I have always preferred my speakers with their grills on & have never heard a difference whether they are on or off. This is still the case with the D2R’s but as it is now so easy to remove the grills, & not risk breaking the retaining pins, I am constantly taking them off & on to see if I can detect any SQ difference. I still can’t, so they stay on most of the time!


Other than a 50 year old vinyl copy of Tommy & a very old greatest hits CD, The Who never did much for me.

When they issued re-masters of much of the old catalogue around 2012 I had rather more spare funds than 50 years ago so I purchased Who’s Next & Quadrophenia (that I had never liked).

The latter album is now often played & is my favourite Who album. I like the two twenty-first century offerings, Endless Wire & The Who, a lot. I think both are fine albums & can’t understand why they appeared to be largely ignored by critics & fans alike. I especially appreciate the mini-rock opera from the Endless Wire & the way Townsend expresses his thoughts in much of his song writing.


Beautiful D2R speakers!

I started with a pair of ProAc D2D speakers which I used with a NAIT XS 2 and loved the sound. Currently using a pair of ProAc D30RS with my current system. (NDX 2 > Hi-Line > SuperCap DR > NAC 282 > NAP 250 DR> NAC A5 > ProAc D30RS)


Like my LP12, I have used small ProAc’s since 1991 & like the sound so much that I have never felt the need to consider seriously considering other brands of speakers, or other turntables come to that.

I have heard better sounds from more expensive set-ups at my dealers demo evenings over the years but in a much larger room than I have. These systems all contained physically much larger speakers than mine, which would look silly in my listening room &, just as importantly, would simply over power the room &, I suspect, sound dreadful in such a confined space.

I feel I have taken my system as far as it goes in my small room & only a lottery win & move to a much larger house would allow me to consider a system containing much larger speakers.

The only option I am hoping for before too long is a ‘SuperNova’, with improved pre & power amp electronics, rather than just the beefier power amp stage of the Nova PE. The standard Nova sounds great to me but, if the will is there, I am sure Naim could up its’ game further with the Nova!


Aye they’re pretty good setup like this, they where put through a hard life at Naim and I rescued them from the bin to enjoy retirement


Looks a lot of fun!

Superficially they reminded me of the Proac Super EBTs of thirty odd years ago.

Pic credit:


I’m glad the upgrade has worked for you. I’d like to hear some D2Rs at some point. Have had good experiences with Tab 10s and Tab 10 Sigs. Room is similar size to yours. How is the bass? Any boominess?

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These are not speakers for huge bass lovers. Probably unsurprising for their size.

I would say that bass is extremely well defined, being both taught & clean as well as tuneful. Certainly no hint of boominess.

Given your previous ProAc experience I think you will like them a lot.

Let us know how you get on please.

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That’s nothing like an SBL. More of a Credo rip off.


Well, know that a guy, in love with NAIM and SBL, rolled up his sleeves to develop, day after day, 2 models inspired by NAIM AUDIO speakers. He called them MD for Mechanically Decoupled, in reference to the technology used by NAIM.”

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Completely with you here. An exceptional source component will make most amplifier systems sound good.


Where I’ve had to stack, I’ve done this for years - I remember it being a tip in What HiFi decades ago - as you mentioned - damping for the CD player and better ventilation for the amp. Not so good with top loaders though😅