System Pics 2024

Someone is listing a pair of N-cents on eBay used in this configuration - they have theirs positioned horizontally though if that makes any difference to their dispersion?

I have special circumstances as everyone knows ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That’s my excuse and I am sticking to it!

My system is all finished now and just waiting for a set of standard Fraim legs to complete the project.

The Nap 500DR was purchased in February 2024. By May 2024 the 552DR and Linn Klimax LP12 was in place. ND555 June and 2 Naim 555PSDR all in place by July 2024.

Pretty damned quick going from 52, NDS, Akurate LP12 and 2 x 135s in Feb to full blown 500DR system and Klimax LP12 in 6 months.

Very very happy with upgrades. There really is nothing to do now.

I also upgraded cables, power block and switch with power supply during that period. Managed to sell everything I don’t need apart from NDS, which may take some time!

And I don’t mind comparisons for quick upgrades! Not at all! :grinning:


Except listen to and enjoy the music - systems are a means to an end, not an end in and of themselves!

Happy listening Dan and best wishes for positive outcomes.


So pleased that you took my comment in the spirit it was intended.

When you list all you have achieved since February, I have to question how it took me 6 months (from order to delivery) to buy a pair of speakers that have been in production for about 25 years!


I have had Naim kit for around 8 years. Since May this year I did a big hit with 552DR and Linn LP12 Klimax. And then another big hit with ND555 and power supplies to finish off!

Even used it’s a massive hit on bank balance! But worth every penny!


@Dan_M you missed the NAP500 from your list :slightly_smiling_face:

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It was done way back in February 2024!


Wow, only seems like a couple of months back

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I am not enthusiast of the carpet, but without it the visual/functional mix of wood and black, of form and function is close to perfect to my eyes.

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Missed this post as I was sunning myself in Greece at the time…

Great decision adding the 282, I often wonder if there is any limit to how far up the chain you can take the amplification with these speakers.

The ES 14’s would thank you for adding a 250 DR!

Looks great and always nice to see some pictures of these classics too.


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Not bad looking at all, though.

And yet, in spite of it I wouldn’t put anything on such a wonderful small table.

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Humble setup.


is your watch happy near the transformer of the Atom and speaker magnets?

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Very happy. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Nice Andy. I am considering a Muso or a 1-2 box streaming system for the main room. I don’t want anything intrusive in the room just something clean to easily access music. The Muso would sit perfectly on the TV table so it is strong candidate!

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@Martin.M I am moving house and the Muso has been brought in from my conservatory to the lounge as the main listening system.

Pound or Dollar for sound it is the best hi fi buy out there.


Totally agree Andy.
Our lounge is always the coolest room in the house this time of year and I’m quite happy sitting in there listening to the MuSo2. It’s also way better as a soundbar than the old Sonos Beam😊


My big worry is that in my new house my main Naim system ND555/252/300/PMCs won’t fit - I know you’re going to say why did i buy a house that might not fit my Hi-FI !

And… I end up using my Muso 2 as the main system - based on listening over the past week I could quite happily do a kingsize downsize and just have the Muso 2.


Oops! :man_facepalming:t2:
Much as I love my 2 MuSo’s, icoudnt imagine not being able to listen to either of the two multi-box systems. I would miss them a lot🫤
Let’s hope you can find a solution that enables you to put the full system back together🤞🏽