System Pics 2024

Or downsize from a 6-box OC system to a 3-box NC system (222/300/250) like me. I don’t miss my OC 500 system at all. Bank account also happy too.

I too was short of space in my new living rooom, hence the downsizing.


The muso is great, surprisingly great infact. The QB is also great. We have both and it’s all Mrs twofifty needs. But for me it’s a passive listening experience. Active listening requires a record player/CD player &/or ripper so you can shop for music. I need to be in record shops, at record fairs or eBay etc buying physical music. Physical music doesn’t require massive space either, it can do of course but that’s the upgrading bug for you.


Your post about moving, coupled with your fairly recent photos of Dungeness power station, reminds me of a little story I hope you may find interesting.

In 1978 I was appointed to my first Insurance Inspectors job with a major insurance company operating from their Canterbury office. My area was a large part of Kent & included Hythe & the Romney Marsh.

My largest client in this area was the family that owned most of the Romney Marsh at the time, had done for several hundred years & possibly (for all I know) still do. I suspect you will know who I am referring to.

My company introduced an investment product that I was given a target to sell to our brokers & direct clients. It cost £10,000 a time. I know this is about the cost of 6 inches of Super Lumina cable today but, back then, it was a lot of money!

Who better to try & sell it to other than my Romney Marsh owning client. I got on well with the then charming patriarch of the family & he let me patiently explain why this product could have been designed specifically with his family in mind. When I had completed my sales pitch he took me into his garden which looked out towards the Dungeness power stations.

“You see Dungeness A power station over there?”, he said, “Well, I sold the land it is built on to the relevant authority in the mid-1950’s for £15m. In the early 1960’s I then sold them the land that Dungeness B power station is currently being constructed on for considerably more. I am afraid that I don’t really have a pressing need for a £10,000 investment, no matter how good it is”.

I retired hurt, feeling more than a little silly. However, the story does have a happy ending. A couple of weeks later he phoned me saying that he felt the product was actually good for the right person & had therefore bought it to the attention of his accountants & that I should go & see them. This proved extremely successful & the accountants introduced so many new clients that only our London people sold more than I did. This went down very well for me &, the following year, my promotion to Norwich was largely based on this sales success!

Finally, being nosey, are you staying in the Hythe area?


Yes I know who you mean.

I was in Hythe then five years ago moved a few miles out to the hinterland now moving back to Hythe and I can’t wait.

By the way I am an FCII.

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So was I but allowed it to lapse on retirement. Disillusioned when they told me it would cost me (I believe, nearly 9 years ago now) £100 per year to retain the right to retain it & even more so when I complained & they then reduced the annual fee to £25, as if it was some sort of bargaining contest.

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Hail fellow fellow. Yes I get the £25 retirement deal.

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Fought for or offered to you?

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I called them on retirement and said I wasn’t going to pay the fees on net account. They then offered the retirement subs.

There are many who claim to have sold the land the two (now ex) power stations are on! One of the original criteria for gen 1 nuclear stations ( magnox) was land already own my HM Gov’t. Usually this was land owned by the MOD. Now, that is not to say your client didnt sell it, but…I’d heard a similar story in The Pilot pub, Dungeness from a local fishing family that it was them that sold the land !


The Dungeness Estate has a different and more open level of previous ownership. The current owners are EdF Energy, owners of Dungeness B power station, who bought The Estate for just over £1.5M in 2015, for reasons that are best not discussed here !

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Thats the nature reserve though isn’t it, not the power stations? Paine family trust were previous owners at one time.

Yes. The NNR is The Dungeness Estate. Before EdF ownership it was Paine who had the land in trust. The Estate did well when the power stations used to recycle the shingle each winter. Shingle above the HWM was owned by The Estate, below HWM by (what was), Shepway council. Big incomes for both parties, and both always very supportive of the beach feeding activites each year. Although the residents less so !

Do they still use the shingle at Dungeness B?

Yes. The whole headland moves east. The contracts and permissions tend to be renewed each year, even though it’s been recycled since 1965. For one or two years, it was postponed as the beach was high enough. The shingle drifted and some fishermen struggled to launch theirs boats. The B station built a flood wall around the entire station in 2013, and the requirements of the beach were less than before, but the beach is still claimed in the station flooding safety case. Once defuelling is completed, the safety case may reduce the need further. But, the reactor structures ,which are contaminated will still require protecting.

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Long day of meetings and emails so a picture of the 2nd system in the office at home……


“is your watch happy near the transformer of the Atom and speaker magnets?”

This is a valid question. Mine lost 8 seconds a minute. Taken to Tag who must have put it on a truck driving at excess speeds over Bangkok’s potholes because when it returned it was demagnetised and working fine - as a result of the shaking about in the back of the truck as no other work was done on it…

That’s what they call demagnethaism, a well-known phenomonen.


The muso is great sounding box and looks cool too but an atom and some standmounts perform much better!

When I moved house my system sounded terrible in the new home (more plasterboard v brick) .

I do get the desire for simplicity and an Atom HE with active speakers is an economical foot print and will no doubt sound bloody good.

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Having listened to everyone here I have now come up with what is perhaps a finalised version of 3 Fraim stack.

There are compromises. The LP12 has to go on the right stack due to footfall and timber subfloor. If there is a shelf empty below it, the records will jump.

I think it works well!


Looking very nice indeed. I would estimate there has been a fair few hours and rude words muttered trying all those different cabling options. This has definitely made my mind up, I’m going for the 500DR!

ps. don’t let @Skeptikal see you have wall sockets with switches in them! Joking aside, I changed mine recently to a double gang without switches. When I removed the previous one, the switches were completely corroded and covered in a green dust. I spoke to a friend of a friend who is an electrician and he said it can be quite common in humid rooms. It was very surprising.