System Pics 2024

Nice and cool set up. Interestingly, the Kate Bush / The Red Shoes cover makes the screen look circular in overall shape - echoing the the top dial!


Just out of interest, what speakers did you audition against the Focals and why did you pick them?

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Thanks. Only one switched socket which only has router and 1st switch on it. The 2nd switch EE8 is plugged into block and then into an unswitched socket.


I had Linn Kelidhs which were musical but lacked power capability. So I changed to Focal Aria 936s, which for the money are very good value. As system improved wanted higher quaility speakers and liked the Focal sound. I tested the speakers before buying them. But did not do comparisons. They were 6 months mint for half price. So took a slight gamble.and bought them.


As a former insurance inspector (1981) I enjoyed your story immensely . I always tell people I started as a clerk in the motor department (GRE Reading) and worked my way down from there. By 2000 I was the National Accounts Manager on the Employee Benefits side and from there on in , it went downhill with the acquisition by AEGON .

Sorry for outrageous thread drift

Surely it’s demagnethaisation?

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Demagnathaisation means ‘removing the large Thai’. I’ve no clue what Demagnethaisation means though.


Very similar story with my Sopra No.1s. I saw a good deal and went for it rather than agonising over which brand to go for. I’ve been very impressed, unbelievable step up from the KEF R5 Meta I had before, and they were fantastic.

There’s a fair few pairs of No.2s, 3s and Diablo Utopias at the moment. If only I could upgrade without my wife noticing…

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Well yes.

Always impressive to see. Great pics. I’m sure you have covered this in one of the many threads, but where did you land with your Fraim build - component stacking?

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It was my attempt at a play on words - taking the word ‘demagnetisation’ and substituting ‘Thai’ for the fourth syllable to give a homonym, since it was originally a reference to a watch being demagnetised in Bangkok.

Not easy in a second language, I grant you!



I went three stacks a while ago as I had alot of boxes. I changed to three stacks when I added an ND5XS2 to the NDS. Now superseded by ND555. Back then I had 2 x 135s and 52, and a CDS2 and XPS2. So I needed the Fraim for all the boxes I had.

Current idea is to keep source components and preamp on top shelves away from power supplies. This is why there are shelf gaps left and middle stack. With three stacks and cabling I have put the 555PSDR x 2 on left stack and then Radikal 2, 552PSDR and 500PSDR on right stack.

Long legged shelf for 500DR head unit to give it air. Zoneripper NAS underneath 500 Head unit.

Wanted some symmetry with the stacks. So it’s been a process of buying different Fraim parts to get things right. I have some spare legs now which I will keep in case of future changes of kit.


If you replace the glass shelf with a 2 mn black granite shelf, it will look the same but you would have no footfalls problem.

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Oh oh :joy::joy:

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I did think it was dangerous having 3 empty shelves :rofl:

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No problems as it is now. Happy with current set up. But great idea is welcomed!


Have considered getting a CDS3 again and another 555PSDR. But there really is no point with my current sources. Or even a CD555.

Failed mechanisms and lack of support for older units means I will keep system as it is for foresseable future.

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I thought about getting a CD player as there are some good prices around; but then I realized I would hardly ever use it having burned all my CDs to FLAC. I still have a large majority of them as I find it difficult to sell after collecting for so many years.

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A Naim CD transport would be really cool. But again the CDX2.2 and CD5XS aren’t supported if mechanism goes wrong.

I don’t really want another make as it won’t look right with system. I have thought about it on many occasions. But I don’t really want that.

I’m glad your going for 500DR. You will absolutely love it. You might want Sopra 2s as well though. Then system will really kick some ass!

The 500DR buried my 135s. Just in terms of grip, effortless power and quality.

252, Supercap DR will sound epic.

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