System Pics 2024

Indeed. Brompton are fab. Fold small but have the same wheelbase as a standard bike. Superb design. I love mine and it goes everywhere with me in London.


Nightmare putting a new inner tube in the back wheel if you puncture, in my experience

Love that drawing board, similar to what i was allowed on after a six year cabinet making apprenticeship and then moved up to the drawing office!

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Maybe. Not now anyway. But it’s good to know! Thanks!

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It is a gem of a thing, although the parallel motion was long gone before I acquired it. I paid just £150 for it from a slate quarry drawing office in North Wales, who were moving over to CAD design and it was deemed surplus to requirements. I hate to think how much it cost new considering the build and weight - I can just about lift it on my own once the board has been removed from the frame. I’ll never part with it!

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Great story, I moved over to 2d cad, then 3d cad, still preferred the board in many ways, it would never crash on me and lose a load of work like the cad systems could!!


Interestingly there are Naim-Brompton branded bikes out there, not sure whether they’re legit anyway, but more curious about the role Mr Julian took during his time at Brompton!
(Not my photos- found them in Mercari JP)




I remember when I started at Naim and I was talking to Doug about Brompton. He said that there used to be a bunch of them in the factory stores. He went to look, but couldn’t find any. Maybe this was one of them?? Perhaps @Pauls knows something here.


Julian bought a few Bromptons to use from his sailing boat or in the boot of his car to cycle home after a visit to the pub.
He loved it, decided to order more and found Brompton were in trouble and could not supply- so he invested in the company, took an active part in modernising the company, added input to design ideas especially the folding pedals I recall and would support the company at shows showing how to open and close the bikes. He loved the company and the bikes.
To help sales he ordered a number maybe 20 to sell to Naim distributors worldwide these maybe were the Naim branded ones.


Only if you have the rear hub gear version. I dont. I have the 4 speed derailleur and its like a normal bike.

Waiting for the lovely new unit to house the new nova… so it looks like this. I love it - so blokey. She’s less keen.
Note viz annual as tv leveller.


I have updated my system by selling my 272/555dr and replacing them with brand spanking new Linn DSM Klimax streaming preamp. Steve from Real Music installed it today and will come back in 6 weeks to dial in room correction as it takes weeks to warm up. Initial impressions are of increased separation of instruments and increased detail.


was listening to that yesterday when I took my turntable in for repair.
That’s a heck of an upgrade. Well played!

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Looks like it is the top-of-line Linn Klimax DSM/3 with the Organik DAC, it must have been a fortune in NZ? I traded my old streamer+DAC in for this, but I still had to pay ~20K USD on top of the trade-in.

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Is a desktop setup considered a hi-fi system here?




$33,550 US with naim 272 tradein. It is a gift to self on retirement.