System Pics 2024

Congratulations, and well done. My 552 is my retirement system, so I’m hoping for good news from the Wellington folks that the second repair is the last, and usual service returns.

I expect the Klimak is a huge lift over the 272/555? It really is a very attractive option, but I’d need a lotto win to change track now.


Looks great does it work well with the Naim power amp?

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Yes indeed.


@Mike_S @Pete_the_painter
I would say at this early stage ( 3 hours after opening) that it is only marginally better than the 272/555dr. It just goes to show how good the legacy naim streamers are with a decent power supply.
The naim combo was more forwards and rhythmically satisfying. The Klimax has a better soundstage and a greater separation of instruments. The soundstage is more behind the speakers.
I have lived with a loan Klimax for the last 9 days and it improved markedly after 5 days. Today the machine I had ordered was installed. Because it is going to take at least 6 weeks to perform at its best the dealers will not adjust its room acoustics software till late September.
I’ll report back in a couple of months once it is bedded in, as not fair on Linn at this early stage.
I probably would have bought the naim 222 if naim had not gone tits up in NZ. For me backup by dealers is crucial and I’m happy to pay a premium for that.


Support shouldn’t be a luxury it just should be there. Happy listening and look forward to hearing more about the Linn. Cheers.


Does your Klimax have the Utopik power supply? It’s a huge upgrade from the original one.

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@sean86 yes. Is latest one they have made

Lovely system and room there IDAK. Enjoy your new KDSM.

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Absolutely, there have been some cracking desk top systems , usually involving an Atom/UnitiQute and some very nice ( and small ) desktop speakers or classy headphones

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I guess still enjoying the Ovators IDAK?

I had pair exactly same as yours when they came out for a couple of years or so.

I kind of wish I’d given them a few more years under the belt , I rather enjoyed them , for some reason they got a bit of a bad rap but I really don’t know why


@bevo I’ve always had the Ovator400s in an all Naim system and they’ve always sounded great. Must be system synergy plus they have plenty of space around them in my room. With the Linn DSM they sounded a bit thin initially but after 5 days they came back to life, thank goodness!


Excellent IDAK

I think you should have a glass of Pinot Noir with the new system :wine_glass:


@Bevo Now that sounds like a cracking idea!


Bought a new camera last week, I figured a gratuitous speaker pic was in order.


And very nice it is too. Just a tad larger than mine.



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@Mike_S what is wrong with the 552? Hopefully it will be sorted at real music.

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Happy to be back home after several years of residing in a cramped apartment, and with my modest main system now properly racked and sounding very good. No need to hide from the stack police anymore!

The Semitic PSUs are powering the Chord DAC and the iFi network transport (hidden from view), no Naim gear was harmed in the production of this kit.

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Richard posted the thread above this post. It’s back with Real Music again. First time round it had a failed DR regulator that was fixed. It’s suspected that the same fault occurred again, so the cause of that needs to be found, the suspicion was a faulty cable between the PS and the amp, hopefully should be resolved next week.

Meanwhile, a ND555 and LP12 Seleck through a Nova really needs to be heard to believed.:sunglasses:.