System Pics 2024

@Mike_S yes, it’s all about the source. Most people would never hear a Nova with such impressive front ends.
It’s good that RM are into it with the 552.
They are hearing about people having to send their recently bought naim kit for repairs via the round trip of 2400 miles to Australia . It can take a month or more to get their box back. One was damaged in transit adding to time away.
RM could promptly do it in a day or two in Wellington but are unable to as they are no longer naim dealers.


A small ‘testing’ change on Mrs Q’s system.

6 boxes becomes 2 in a radical shift:
202/200/Stageline N/Headline/NAPSC/ND5 XS2
Nait 50/ND5 XS2 :man_shrugging:t4:
AND… it sounds really nice through the Keilidh’s too😊
It’s only on test though, not necessarily gonna keep it😉


Reads a bit like a description of sound effects. Are you now listening to the equipment, not the music?

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Went from 200/202 (plus all the trimmings) and ended up with Nait 50 and ND5XS2 ( plus CDX2.2) very pleased


@MikeD i agree that in this initial phase I am naturally comparing it to the previous gear in an analytical way. Hence I just need to live with it for some time more to let it all just wash over me. It will take weeks before I can say anything more. My initial impression that the Linn is like a 3 star Michelin meal compared to, say, very high quality street food. The former is all present, correct and refined. The latter is simpler but hearty, perhaps not quite as intricate but delicious nonetheless.


The Supernait 1 is replaced by a Rega Brio (2017 model) which in all areas is a worser amp but also the one which has no listening fatigue. The sn1 can sound too forcefull for my acoustics and i was struggeling to enjoy it. So win win.


I would seem Ian that Mrs Q and I could be doing much the same thing.
Depending on the ‘Trade-In’ deal, that Tony and I will haggle over next week​:wink:, this could very well be Mrs Q’s next system evolution :blush:
She really liked the sound it was delivering yesterday from her LP12 particularly.


Apparently there us a lot of “trickle down” from recent and more expensive Naim products , Graham 55 loved the combo of LP12 /Nait 50/and his Falcon speakers .

It has enabled me to cut back on box and weight issues .


Final Hi-Jack comment on this thread I promise.
I must admit Ian, it was love at first listen for me all those months ago, when I heard the 50 coupled to an ND5 XS2 and a pair of PMC Prodigy 1’s.
I seriously considered it for the bedroom instead of the MuSo, but just couldn’t justify it.
I consider 202/200 to Nait 50 more of a sideways move than a step down, as the 202/200 system had been stripped back to barest essentials to fit Mrs Q’s requirements. However, with the Stageline & Headline/PSC, it was always too many boxes for her space.
We shall have to see how the numbers fall next week :thinking: :wink:


Have swapped around the running order and reintroduced the Densen B-300 power amp to join B100 integrated and bi-amp the Kef R3 metas and just joined by Wiim Ultra.

Also swapped Densen B400 Plus CD player down in stacking order, they have small felt discs separating its feet from the amp.

Kefs are loving the bi-amp arrangement and the Wiim Ultra is a very good bit of kit, lovely solid sound to it.

Technics now on the LS50 metas and kc-62’s firing across the cabin for sitting down music, lovely soundstage and dynamics on that system.

Big tidy up on cables behind.


Spent Sunday morning listening to Prefab Sprout on the Thorens TD2001. Very nice, enjoying this simple system.

I may swap out the CD5XS with ND5XS2 at some point but not in a rush.



Very nice, great looking!
Could you, but I guess you can’t, move the speaker more on the right. It will breathe better and then the sound will be better.

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@frenchrooster To many windows for a perfect setup in my livingroom. So I think the current setup is as good as it gets :smile: And I enjoy it like crazy!


These boxes will someday become my tomb.


Chris, is that the Walnut finish? I’m expecting mine to be delivered and installed next week (just the K6, not the signatures like yours auditioned them and they are too much in my room). They are beautifully made and finished speakers.
Enjoy them, looks like you’ve got the space for these in that room


Normal service has resumed in Mrs Q’s system.
A slight repositioning of components, but the 202/200 with StageLine and Headline is back and the Nait 50 is back in the box.
After reconnecting and cleaning everything up it’s definitely my preferred sound. Admittedly, not by much and of course the 50 is a much simpler system, but this works just fine😊



Congrats on the new K6 ProAc’s. Out of the box they will sound good but after a few hundred hours of run-in you’ll start to hear the magic of the ribbon tweeter, they only get better after that. Isoacoustic Gaia feet are highly recommended and be sure to gently tighten the woofer screws every 6 months as they can loosen with use.

Post pics!


Great reminder for me to gently tighten my screws tonight. It’s been awhile.


Having been to a performance of Britten’s The Turn of the Screw last night, I find that plan quite creepy. :grin: