System Pics 2024

I have finally bought my 60th birthday/partial retirement present. This replaces my Nova and PMC 25.21’s which I have had for 4 years. They have been absolutely brilliant and I could quite happily have carried on living with them but I just fancied buying a prezzie for myself. The only vague downside of the outgoing system is that I now listen to much more classical music and in particular, piano music. Sometimes there was an ‘edge’ to piano music that even my wife, who never comments on hifi, remarked on. It is entirely probable that this is because the speakers were the 25.21’s rather than the 25.21i’s which are supposed to have a better tweeter in this regard.
Anyway, I went to see Paul at Billy Vee and he was brilliant, as ever. So the replacements for the PMC’s are……ProAc D2R’s.

My favourite ever ‘sound signature’ from a pair of speakers was from the ProAc Tab 10’s that I had. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get them to work with the Nova, hence the PMC’s. But these D2R’s are just lovely. Lots of good quality bass, delightful midrange but the icing on the cake are these ribbon tweeters. Just the sweetest treble and incredible transparency but without being overly analytical. I continue to find my mouth hanging open when I hear what they can do with percussion.
Rather unsurprisingly I have replaced the Nova with a 222/250 combo. A very, very clear uplift on the Nova (which it should be for the money). I only wanted 2 boxes so I didn’t audition the NPX 300 although I have heard it elsewhere. I just don’t think that £6k for a PS to give a 10-15% uplift to a £6k streaming preamp is good VFM but I know others think differently.


The final purchase was a pair of Focal Clear Mg headphones to use with the 222. Incredible pairing - astonishing SQ from the Focals in a very comfortable package that I can listen to for


Now for several months of burning in …. :sweat_smile:

I have replaced the speaker stands with Custom Design RS302’s at 510mm as the Proac’s are fairly big.


Congratulations, and a very nice upgrade all round.


ProAc’s next to the 222/250


As always, such a lovely room and listening space :+1:
Love the vibe…

Happy 60th b’day.

Congrats on your new system. Bet it sounds fab.
Agreed. The Proac ribbon tweeter is really quite special.

Happy listening…


Thank you!


Some really nice snaps here. The living spaces are as attractive as the systems within them.

Makes my dingy small room look out of place in this space. :grin:


Looks great, I think this pic sums up the beauty of the new classic range. Same Naim sound quality; but with a more modern look and less boxes! They look especially good in nice and tidy lounges :slight_smile:


Well done crispy. Not so different to the system I treated myself to earlier this year. I must get round to posting a few photos. I am still working on getting the room decorated, finished and ready. Don’t want to feel embarrassed given your lovely set up and look. Great piece of furniture to house the boxes by the way.


Nice isn’t it? There’s a great furniture maker in Bristol called Konk. I looked at the type of stuff they do and then commissioned something to my own specs. It’s made from satin oiled solid American walnut and is v rigid so great for the boxes. They put wire holes in the cupboard bit so I shoved my EE8 in there. Turnaround time was 4 weeks and it came in at just slightly over £1k so I think it is excellent value


Really nice and a nice way to mark a special birthday and change in life / work balance :+1:



Delightful room, enjoy

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Very nice indeed! Like you I find the Proac range like a good power amp up em’. Happy birthday and enjoy!

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Outstanding, and happy birthday! That looks the business. Glad you’re enjoying the ProAcs. I’ve never heard the D2Rs but I think they would be top of the list if I ever had to move on from the SL2s.

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The walnut finish on the D2R’s is exemplary and that cabinet matches beautifully. Well lush!
What’s the inside of the cabinet storage like?

It was made to my specs so you could easily configure it to have a shelf and conceal a PS inside if you didn’t want too many boxes on display


You read my mind😀

Lovely space and fabulous system I’m sure.
Happy 60th CD, I’ll be joining you at decade #6 in January🫣


Thanks for taking the trouble btw :pray:t2:

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Interestingly, when Paul from Billy Vee came to install the new purchases, he took pics and details. Because Hifi Racks has gone bust he was looking for someone who could make bespoke racks