System Pics 2024

Now that absolutely puts things into perspective… so sorry to hear this, take care.


Here’s what it could look like (ok, imagine it black :wink: )

Got some old tunes on, System 7, Alpha Wave. Give the Focals a work out Dan 8)



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I’m with the Halibut on this one.

I took his advice on this awhile ago, the first time I read it, because I’ve no option but to place the boxes in between the speakers without the option of bringing the speakers forward, so a tall column just interfered with the projection of sound into the room. A side-by-side arrangement splitting the Brains and the Brawn brought further improvement.

Go, Fish!



So very sorry to read of this news Dan, there is not much I can add other than I hope you have peace with the inevitable transition of life that we all have to face one way or the other.


Build it up Mark! You have a great system.


Ask the dealer for a 552 instead of a Nova!


I am sorry to read this news. Sadly for some of us, our cancer journey is not as long as we would want. I hope that you can have a good quality of life for the time you have left.


I want to add to all the compassion and support heading your way. You’re a shining example to the rest of us. Don’t worry; we’ll all try to do better here and, I hope, in our real lives out of massive respect and admiration for you.

Much love,
Davie, aka Bhoyo


Absolutely, I think it’s a shame to break down such a great system unless you have to or really want to. Sometimes needs must.

There’s something about a big box system that is special. It requires detail and dedication but the sound is worth it.


@Dan_M Very sorry to hear your news Dan. My thoughts are with you.


Boxes, schmoxes. It’s just a Nova, but it has an ND555 remote, which means I can play with the big boys.


Thanks Davie,

I will try to be hopeful. I will try to keep up the fight and live as long as possible. I owe that to my children. They need me and I need them.

I am not ready to leave this world. Not by a long shot!

I will keep going. Thanks to all of you.

Together we can work wonders. I am keeping the faith!


You are the big boy! You know that. You are revered.

Thanks for your support HH. Good advice and a genuine gent.


I think we all have notions of downsizing from time to time and doubts about how far down the rabbit hole we’ve gone on our hifi journeys and thoughts of have we gone too far.

One day we will most likely all have to downsize, but not yet. Not for me anyway :slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry to hear your news Dan - keep your spirits high and keep on truckin.

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Awesome system, very impressive, also couldn’t help but notice the pano’s on the walls, they look pretty good as well, presume that there is a photographer in the house?

So sorry to hear your news, but I’m so impressed with your positive attitude. Take care.


Hi Dan,

Just to add my thoughts from the wings of this amazing forum to you at this very difficult time… We all interact through the medium of this great hobby and our wonderful Naim, but just sometimes it would be so good to reach out and really be there for someone in need… Well, as far as anyone of us can through this community, I really wish you all the best for what’s coming up in your fight… You really are an inspiration to all of us and you specifically helped me think, f*%k it! Life’s too short, get that final piece of the HiFi and live the music! I have issues as do we all, and I share yours and so many others passion on this forum for music as absolutely core to our daily lives - it’s soul food!

Wish you were local so I could offer to buy you a pint…

Hang on in there…