System Pics 2024

@Dan_M there are no words really which help following such news, but we all admire your courage and determination…… stay strong :muscle:

@Dan_M no words can help you through that dreadful news. You appear to be an incredibly positive person and that can have a profound impact on your health. Good luck and my thoughts are with you and your family. :heart:


That’s an absolute bag of excrement, Dan, and no mistake. I’m really sorry. My wife’s been on a very bumpy cancer journey over the past two years so I suppose I might feel a small part of your pain. Maybe. It’s a filthy, evil disease, without a doubt.

I’d like to second the offers of support above, but was wondering if we could make them less virtual and more practical. From your profile and some map checking, I surmise you’re either near Birmingham or Eastbourne, neither of which is ridiculously far from me, or others, I’m sure. Not sure whether a walk, a coffee, a pint, a gig or something else might help but… well, have a think and I’m sure we can all stop arguing long enough to come up with a plan. If you want us to, that is!

If you do, at any point, maybe you could start a new thread and we can go from there?

Peace, love and music,



A Forum Naim visit?


Well, maybe, but a) they (generally) need to be dealer-organised and b) I (we) don’t know how up to travel Dan is.

You are wonderful, Dan_M! Let and keep the music play!

A special pic for you from my system!

May be Naim can arrange a special (Statement?) experience for you? We will all want to support it I am sure! Sincere Best wishes!


Plus it’s rather more polite to wait to be invited.

Words fail me, Dan. Just sending you lots of love to you and your loved ones! :heart::pray:


Yes I know I said there’d be no new purchases but I couldn’t resist a brand new sealed in its box DAC V1. I only really got it to use as a headphone amp. All up and running.


And on its own special stand too…! :grinning:

Enjoy! :notes:


Sorry to hear your awful news @Dan_M. I don’t think I will be as strong as you in mentality if I’m in your situation. Wish you all the best. Take care.

I have to decommission my main system and pack the newly acquired nac252 and Superline to their boxes for another 6-9 months due to renovating my apartment. I will live with the temporary system shown in this photo during then which is not bad.


Certain members will be having a fit looking at that lot.

I think the total lack of regard for system arrangement ‘protocols’ is just delightful.


Not too bad at all…! :wink::rofl:
Is that a Nait50 I see…?

Ahhh, I miss my 17th flr Krung Thep views….! :thailand: :+1:



Yes, S.C. It’s the Nait 50. Source is by a ND5xs2.

Thank you,

I posted a frivolous post regarding the silly bust up which I have now deleted, having read your sobering post, which really does put things in perspective.

Dan, I am so sorry to read about the progress of your cancer. You truly seem to get some comfort from sharing your health challenges on the forum, which shows what a trusted place this is, and it is a privilege to be able to offer some words which I hope you find of some help.

You have shown this place time and time again how strong you are, and it is simply an inspiration to me. I hope you can find continued strength following this latest awful news.

All the best, Dan,

Your friends on the forum.


I echo @NigelB 's sentiment Dan. Absolutely crushed to hear of your predicament and actually this is the first I’ve heard of it.
I’ve always enjoyed your informative and friendly posts. Wishing you and your family the best thru this very tough time. As Nigel said, this puts many things in a new perspective.
Take care, my friend. I/we will be thinking of you constantly.


Would you please tell me all about this? I have Confidence 20s and I really am considering the 30s. Have you heard both? If so any thoughts? Have you considered 50s or 60s? Great system. Bravo.

All the best for your fight, get ready for a long one and let us hope new developments bring improvements to your life.

Thank you for your fortitude and positive example, it is inspiring.


So sorry to hear this, Dan. As others have said, you are an inspiration and I’m grateful for your positivity and your love of life, family, and music. Thanks for the huge part you play in making this forum such a great place to be. From frigid Winnipeg I send you warm hugs and much love and very best wishes to your children in a very difficult time. Stay strong, brother!


You really are the best of us Dan - brave and positive in equal measure.

If it helps, I have a work colleague who was given six months to live by the NHS for a tumour on his spine. Fortunately, he applied for and got access to an experimental chemo drug paid for by a cancer charity. He was approved because of his age (35) and the fact that he was economically active. That was in 2017 and he is still with us and looking fitter than ever.

Regarding hair loss from chemo, IME it didn’t fall out immediately but came out slowly from about three weeks after the first treatment. I lost both my beard and hair and was hoping to look like Bruce Willis in Pulp Fiction, alas the result staring back at me from the mirror was more of a cross between my mother and Mussolini.