System Pics 2024

If you have the cables maybe behind the two canvases on the floor, will look better. It looks like a work in progress. But main thing is does it sound better now?

Thanks for the tip Dan. I’ll have to experiment as the Sarum T is so thick it’s not very keen on going in any direction except the way it’s been coiled.


Use a hair dryer to get it in position you want!

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Longer speaker cables often sound better!

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I think the idea is to fold the cables rather than coil them. Coiling speaker cables increases inductance and could overheat your system (unlikely, but possible).

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That’s a good idea, I’ll experiment more tomorrow. Off to my sister in law’s 50th party, but from what I’ve listened to so far, it sounds like a new system. Loads more bass and with the speakers further apart I’m getting a lot more separation and bigger sound scape. They’ve really come into their own now they can breathe a bit :+1:

I’m using my DIY mains leads currently, so I’ll give my Furutech/MCRU #77 cables a try tomorrow as well.


Nice big mains cables!

You’ll be wider soundstage now. Things should sound more open.

I tried other mains cables but ended up with Powerlines throughout.

Enjoy your party!


Good to see you’ve hung the toilet paper roll correctly.


Don’t you just hate when people hang it so it lies against the wall :angry: :exploding_head:


My shop/office system: NDX, SN2, HiCap, Core, Wharfedale Linton’s.

The Linton’s are a great “cheap” three way speaker. They have a warm musical sound. The SN2 came to life with the addition of a HiCap DR. The NDX is still an exceptional streamer for its age. A real bargain used.


But it’s not Izal toilet paper😂


My wife does that; I have to make "the necessary adjustment "

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I’ve thought that for years, but someone on here said it was incorrect and coiling doesn’t matter. I’m now less sure.

I think that might have been @Simon-in-Suffolk although the FAQ still says don’t coil. Hard to imagine the little coil in @What_Are_You_To_Me’s photo could cause any harm though.


It won’t cause harm like you say Chris. Might look better dressed differently?

Indeed, I would expect a severe ear bashing if my wife saw something like that in the living room, although I think he just did it temporarily. Perhaps it’s an attempt to deflect attention from more severe crimes elsewhere.


Yeah. He’s bought alot of gear recently and has now changed the room around! Hopefully things will be alright for him! :rofl:

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Or guitars?

Let’s try to keep everyone happy: :wink:


Don’t forget to fix a doorstop to the floor!