System Pics 2024

I painted black :laughing::sweat_smile:


Full pic of the current bedroom setup. The Wiim Pro is connected with an Audio Sensibility (Canadian brand) coaxial cable to take advantage of the Supernait Dac which still sounds good to me.


Great speaker cable dressing, love it!

Another perfectly balanced system

LP12 Klimax 40th anniversary / Radikal PS/ 252/SCDR/250DR/NEAT Ultimatum XLS’s


Happy Christmas Steve :slightly_smiling_face::christmas_tree:


I suspect it was one of my earlier posts where I mentioned use of concertina for NACA5 cabling. I’ll see if I can find it. Agree it might have been @Simon-in-Suffolk who put out the reply. I find he is usually correct in what he says so I’m happy to go with that.

Where is the phono stage ?
Congrats for the 40 th anniversary !

Inside the plinth! Presumably an Urika.

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And to me. I use a simple, true 75ohm RG316 coaxial cable to connect my VRDS-9 to it.


Linn Urika phono - inside the LP12

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Love the simplicity of this. Also, old with new combinations that I’m sure makes a lovely sound.
My first entry to Naim Audio was a SN1. I have very fond memories of it. :+1:

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Thanks Ian, a 60th birthday present to myself last year :slightly_smiling_face: You have a fantastic system yourself,

The cabinet, a cheap Ikea Besta, is completely open at the back. The racks are spiked to the floor through holes cut in the bottom so the cabinet is effectively just a shell around it all.

To get more room for cables I built this (Link) if you scroll down through the topic a bit you can see how it turned out!

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Thanks Max, of all the ones I’ve made my wife likes them the most and they’re working better than I thought they might, glad I tried them.

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I thought I read on here that looping A5 like this adversely affected the sound, especially if the loops are touching, and that a single long run past the speaker and looping back was preferable? Not always practical or desirable from a looks point of view of course.
Having recently got a couple of 5m lengths of A5 to compare against the Phantom I’m now wondering how on earth I’m going to fit it, I’ve read about how inflexible it is but was still surprised when it arrived :joy:


We will wait for more feedback from others on this one. It probably makes no difference at all!

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You’re probably absolutely right! :slightly_smiling_face: … always one way to find out I guess! I soldered the plugs on yesterday so might get them hooked up later … will try the single long loop first and weather the objections from my better half!




Wives? Or record collections?


Actually, husbands I think Neil :joy:


What is actually the rang of naim CD players? Let’s say top 5 ever in the right order.

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