System Pics 2024

so sorry Dan, and your outlook on life will help you no end, but hard to keep some semblance of positivity i know. Wishing you all the best.


I’m sorry Dan. Words utterly fail me.


Very sad to hear this news for you. Even though we don’t actually know each other I can see from your activity and interaction on this forum that the type of person you come across as, that you have the best chance to battle this and i wish you all the luck with it. Try and stay positive.
Your system looks great btw.


That music centre would look and sound better if it wasn’t just plonked on a coffee table next to a lamp. But you probably know that :rofl::rofl:


I hope you can take some comfort from your music in the period ahead Dan. And from the fact that you are clearly respected and loved by people on this forum. :heart:



My thoughts exactly.

Dan, it is so sad to read this news, but remember hope is needed to endure the most difficult of all challenges ahead, so please hold on to that.

My own positive thoughts for you will continue - be strong and have no doubt.

I have the utmost respect for you, the dignity you have displayed here is absolutely second to none.



As James Martin would say “Thats a proper Yorkshire serving”

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Cancer is a mental as well as physical battle, I saw that with Dad.

My very best wishes to you and thanks for sharing



Lovely system and I like the painting ( or is it a print ?) above it .

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Hi Dan, I’m very sorry to hear your news. My thoughts are with you and your family. Take care.


When I joined this forum in 2007, my first post included a picture of my system, of which I was very proud. In it, a NAC 202 was sitting on top of a NAP200 and both rested on some stone slab. I knew nothing…

I rather candidly added a caption with some positive remark about the looks and the sound of it. A certain forum member promptly replied that ‘It could not sound worse though, except perhaps in the bathroom’.

That was my Forum baptism. After that I often banged my face against some stinging remarks by members or even by a certain then moderator, whose wit and sarcasm I truly appreciated, being the sarcastic kind myself.
I had to learn to stay behind. I wasn’t even a native, after all…

I often wondered what had prompted that forum member to reply to me - a perfect stranger, a brand new member at his first post - in such a dismissive way. There must be some sort of hierarchy I thought, like in a football team or a military boarding school.

Years after I visited England and had lunch with that forum member in his lovely house, with his nice family. A very fine day. I jokingly quoted that reply to him; he had no recall of that at all, and seemed surprised to hear it.

The moral of the story is, a forum is not real life. In it we have a sort of secret identity which we use to let some parts of ourselves loose. I’ve done it, more than once. In a few cases I was really nasty and I regret it. In the end, I’ve discovered that the best is just to be myself, hoping that myself is a decent guy.

I rarely give advice. The only thing I know a lot about is nSats, so anyone doubting that it’s the best speaker ever built and that anyone thinking differently is a perfect a****le, please contact me and I will disclose the truth to them.


I haven’t much to say, and you’re perfectly right.
My own situation, several steps behind yours, has taught me a lot of important things.
May your spirit be stronger than all this. There are dramatic turning points in some people’s lives and my only belief is, something good can come out of almost anything.
My very best to you,


Time for a system pic. I’ve posted this before but try to imagine a CD555PS in place of the XPS. Hardly worth taking a new picture don’t you think? Please feel free to critique :blush:

After a lovely afternoon yesterday at a mates listening to his Accuphase CD/Amp and a pair of rebuilt Dahlquist DQ10s and the amazing sound they produce I was still happy to get back to my own system. Like putting on an old comfy pair of slippers. :wink:


Those uneven levels…


I can’t think of anything to say except take care of yourself as much as you can Dan, thinking of you.


A lovely looking system you have there, Paul. I may have said to you before that I’m a great admirer of Dynavector cartridges. When the DV17 has had its day, do try to listen to a Te Kaitora Rua - a very substantial jump in performance from your current DV 17, and if you use a Dynavector dealer, you will get a nice discount on trading in the old cartridge.

Regardless of the squabbles, we are all here for you @Dan_M

All good wishes,



A TKR is a possibility when the K17D3 is worn out although more likely is the new 17DX. A TKR would beg all sorts of questions about PSU, Subchassis, Arm and Phono stage. That’s when my head starts to spin and sensible Paul comes out to play :blush:

:blush:. I am waiting for the chopping board comments too. :joy: