System Pics 2024

Powerline is a great cable and I think it suits more systems than many alternatives. My Furutech DPS4.1 and triple alpha have more detail, drama etc but can sound bright and edgy in a highly revealing system.

Powerline boogies and has never been bright in any of the systems I’ve used.


Oh my.

He missed a couple on the first speaker :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I had a similar saga with our lounge speakers many years ago. Unfortunately Miss Mike took the blame a few times until I released it was only happening when the nephew visited…… luckily I was able to vacuum them out.

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Greetings from my Loewe Art 40 UHD. I’m about to pickup another one since this one has survived the kids over 8 years now.

I’m also considering the sub you have for one of them since it’s so convenient.



Nice TV stand. That also looks like an amazing living space, my wife loves Crittall style windows and I have to agree they look great.

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The saga of the Grandson modified Keilidh’s continues.
So it turns out that Wilmslow Audio are absolutely snowed under at the moment. Just goes to show how good they are with the level of work they have stacked up. Steve just suggested an 8 week turnaround time… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
I have to call next week to get a slot for taking them in for repair, but hopefully we’ll have them back before Christmas. Just in time for George’s 3rd birthday :face_with_peeking_eye:


Morning QuickSticks feel your pain been there several times over the years, plus a cartridge or two have been destroyed by little fingers.
If you are having the drivers replaced rather than wait do you not fancy fitting them yourself just a thought :+1:.

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My hands and soldering skills are definitely not what they once were sadly.
I have just got off the phone with the Insurance Company as replacement is currently a very real alternative :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Hi Stuart,

You asked me this before, I recall! It’s Clive Rowland and Scott, coming off the Ogre; signed by both of them!



Believe it or not, all the shelves are cherry; it’s just that some are the very dark cherry (the bases) and the rest are primarily the older, lighter, version, with a couple somewhere in between!

But, it doesn’t bother me, and apart from the obvious difference with the bases, the rest are hardly noticeable in the usual lighting conditions of the room.

I feel your pain!

I’ve mentioned this before on the old forum, but around 10 years or so ago, I had a friend to stay with his two young girls. Early one morning they managed to get into the music room and I then came downstairs to make a cup of tea only to see them in there on the carpet plying with toy cars. Only one of them wasn’t a toy car but the arm top of my Aro that had been torn off the deck with the Ortofon SPU Royal N ploughing its way through the pile…

Calmly as I could I entered the room and managed to trade the arm top for another toy car and quietly ushered them out. The SPU was toast, the cantilever remarkably still intact, but the stylus long lost to the carpet. My friend was going through very tough times, having recently split with his wife. I couldn’t bring myself to add to his woes (and ultimately as I had not locked the door to the room I only had myself to blame) so I said nothing of it to him when he finally awoke. He still doesn’t know about it to this day.


a true friend you are Richard.


Oops. Sorry Ian, my bad!

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Few changes since my last post. Ovator’s were changed to Neat’s, P8 got Rega’s own wall mount and Superline is finally alive.


New rack to installed
Looking fantastic Before and after installation


Nice rack.

What make / model is it?



Hope your reply was supposed to be humourous as I found it extremely so!


Yes! Thanks.


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Presumably they didn’t come with grills.

So far my young nephew hasn’t noticed the oh so tempting domes behind the NBL’s “stocking mask” covers.
I put up a mostly symbolic barrier around the system when he visits and a look was enough to reinforce it. I did get a bit nervous when I heard a ball being kicked around in the livingroom one morning but managed to get him outside before anything got damaged.

My other nephew’s favourite game when he was about the same age, he’s in his 20s now, was pulling the knobs off my Father’s Sony amp and hiding them.