System Pics 2024

Hi @Nickd
Lovely system and room.
The tubing is a little intriguing. Is it undertaking cable tidying/routing duties?

Now that’s an audio room we should all have!!


Thanks. Occasional use as a lounge !

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Hi Orac, you are right my friend, it’s busting with cables to and from the router, the Nasdrive and CCTV unit (in the hacked Ikea Besta unit) for everything. The conduit was disliked as soon as we finished it, so after xmas it will be removed and something more ‘furnitury’ in oak will be replacing it and providing a little storage too, re-using my skills as a cabinet maker, long since they’ve been used fully!

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I guess it all comes down to how we perceive music and sounds. :blush:
As an example, I prefer the PMC sound (had 4 different models) to the ATC sound (had SCM40 and 40A). That is not to say that ATC models are bad speakers, it is just what I prefer. This conclusion, is not from having some shop or home demonstration, but actually living with them.
When I had IsoAcoustic Gaia’s they did nothing for me with PMC speakers, using the matching carpet discs. The Podiums have been used with PMC and ATC, in fact purchased twice, due to weight change of speakers. I found that the Podiums improved the sound of both brands, but seemed to do more for PMC. However, as this was not back to back, the mind and memory could be playing tricks.
The Auva’s (70) have only been used with PMC. However, when my better half wanders in, and says “What have you do on to the system”, then something has changed.
I will not go into the in’s and outs of the changes caused by the Auva’s. However, the most notable change is in the bass, besides all the other changes across the frequency spectrum.
As stated, I have not compared the Podiums and Auva’s back to back, this being all from memory. However I do not feel any loss and enjoy the sound the Auva’s produce.
So, the Auva’s give a improved sound, which is better or equal to the Podiums, they are cheaper than the Podiums, easier to install than Podiums and better half is not constantly reminding me of the two oil rigs in the living room. What’s not to like.:blush: Two happy bunnies here.



Thanks for detailed repose, much appreciated

I see the Foo Bird fly :slight_smile:

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I bought these recently for TV duty as they matched the room more than the mahogany pair I have.The dust caps were damaged on one pair …from dusting … apparently by the previous owners “cleaner”
I used them with the flapping dust caps for a few days but there was a buzzing on low bass occasionally , so I just decided to cut them out completely .They sound perfect now and if I really wanted there a dust caps for sale on the auction site very cheap.Doubt I’ll bother .


So it’s been a while since the Ninka’s were here.
However, this is the room they were bought for and they are sounding quite splendid back in Mrs Q’s 202/200 system.
Shopping for new speakers to go in the cabin starts in earnest tomorrow.
Off to Signals to listen to a pair of Russell K Red 120’s and a pair of original preloved Spendor D7’s, amongst others I’m sure.

Note: For those who like a good I told you so moment.
I never got the Ninka’s to settle with the REL T5/x in the cabin to my full contentment. I actually ran them without it connected today and they sounded a lot better on their own.:man_shrugging:t2:
Just for the record though, the Keilidh’s definitely sounded better with the Bass boost the REL delivered.


Best of luck finding a speaker that works for you, at least you have a starting point with the Russell K’s, heard a couple of his speakers recently at the North Western Hifi show very nice I could of happily lived with them sadly the price was a little out of my range, superb speakers and such a pleasant young man, enjoy your day out👍

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Got my companies muddled up, wasn’t Russell K speakers I heard that impressed me so much it was Kerr Acoustics my mistake but they were superb speakers as I’m sure Russell K’s are as well, anyway enjoy your journey.

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I’m curious as to what these LPs are? They appear to be of the same series, from the near uniform spines.


I’m going to take a wild guess. Jazz :wink:

Nice room, @Dynaudio1


Thanks. Good guess !


Blue Note Tone Poet series reissues.


Very nice, @Dynaudio1 :ok_hand:t3:


I like your OCD LP photo investigation. You beat me to it :upside_down_face:

Russell K Red 120’s have landed for Demo, courtesy of Signals HiFi (Felixstowe)

Demo led by Kevin who hosted us (@SimonDC and myself), ably supported by Mick, Andy and of course Alastair.
We spent 3 hours listening to these 120’s, Dynaudio Evoke 30’s and Kudos Super 10A’s.
The Super 10’s won in the room, but I dislike stand mounts because of the stands.
These Red 120’s though sound superb in the cabin. Loads of everything (High, Mid & Low) without being overpowering. Detail is lovely as is soundstage. They don’t seem to be unhappy with the placement either although I’m sure I’ll play with that some over the coming days.
Very happy chap this evening.
The Kudos Super 20A’s get picked up tomorrow and we then have a week of testing.
The Super 20’s are going to have to do something special to better this sound though.


Great speakers, @NigelB and @Simon-in-Suffolk are Russel K owners and might have some thoughts. Russel K is very particular in setting up at shows, a very nice and helpful man……he responds to customer queries. Though i am sure the Signals guys will be spot on in placing them.