System Pics 2024

As you have now succumbed to trying some standmonts, and you liked the RK 120s (until you turned the wick up), you might want to try the RK 100 standmounts. I use them with NC 222/300/250 in a room approx 3.6 m square, and have never suffered from excessive bass at high volume.

Just a thought.


They are to be part of tomorrow’s conversation when returning the Red 120’s Nigel👍🏼


It’s taken many months but I think the SW1X PRE III SP has finally broken in.

I’ve always stated that I prefer the presentation of the 552DR in my main system. It will be very interesting to do a comparison now as the tube pre now sounds supercharged. The clarity is amazing but that realistic tone along with a dimensionality to the soundstage is jaw dropping.

Used in my second system with NAP 135s and Linn Kans with Heed obelisk DA.


But they do look nice :+1:

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So I’ve returned both the Russell K Red 120’s and Kudos Super 20A’s.
Next step was to try some stand mount speakers.
Kevin @ Signals ran through ATC SCM 11 & 19, Falcon LS3/5A and Dynaudio Special 40.
The ATC kept there track record for me in being totally uninspiring. I don’t know what it is about ATC speakers and me, but I just can’t sync with them at all.
The Falcon’s were lovely, but totally lacking in the punch that I enjoy from a lot of the music I listen too.
Then we have the Dynaudio’s.
Some of you will remember my last dalliance with Dynaudio Speakers. Well here is a picture of my system this afternoon.

The Special 40’s are sounding pretty marvellous. We tried them forward and away from the walls first and I couldn’t believe how bad they sounded, but we moved them back and they properly came alive.
I can’t explain this as it is completely counter intuitive, but I will play with them for a few days and we’ll see how they fare.
Mrs Q likes the sound but hates the finish and the stands…:man_shrugging:t2:


Yeah Blackstar, but sadly looks is a lower priority than sound my friend😉

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Of course it does :+1: Glad that you’re giving stand mounts a go though as I’m sure this will open up a lot more possibilities :crossed_fingers:t2:


Crying out for a pair of PMC twenty.5 23i



What he said.

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Evening QuickSticks sounds like you have had a full day one way or the other.
I’m a little surprised with your findings regarding the ATC’s they seem very popular on the forum and they do seem to offer a wide range, I have only ever heard them at shows never had a proper demonstration so can’t really comment on how they perform.
Mrs S would be in full agreement regarding the stands maybe not so much the finish but then she wouldn’t be bothered in the slightest about the SQ but we love her.
Can I ask what sort of SQ would you be ideally looking for just as some form of yard stick.
Anyway enjoy your few days with the special 40’s.


I’m saying nothing :person_shrugging:




Yes and probably no🫤
Apparently Transmission Line technology may also struggle to sound their best in this very challenging space of mine🤷🏻‍♂️



ATC and PMC speakers are quite different in their sound presentation. I have tried various PMC and ATC loudspeakers, and I personally prefer the PMC’s. If you take the fashionable point of view, you should prefer ATC.
However, seeing as you do not like the ATC sound, why not give PMC a try and bugger what everyone else says will work or like. :blush:


Hi Silverback, I’m not sure how to answer that question.
I have a very eclectic taste in music, but I listen to a lot of Prog (regular and the heavier stuff), Rock, Blues & Blues Rock, Jazz and Classical.
This means that I need punch and bass, but also detail and finesse. It’s not been a major problem for the last 30 years as I have been very happy with my Linn’s, but the Keilidh’s are a casualty of my grandson, so we are searching for their replacements.
As for ATC’s, you can’t like something just because lots of other people do🤷🏻‍♂️


Tony (Basically Sound Norfolk) is back next week and I will be discussing Neat’s and PMC’s with him.
I’m sure Twenty5 23i’s will be in that conversation and I have been surprised so many times by this room of mine. Who knows what will sound good in here and what won’t anymore… :man_shrugging:t4: :joy:
I haven’t liked ATC’s in the Demo Room at Signals today, but they may sound amazing in the cabin🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m a bit the same and I think the Troels Gravesen speakers match this brief. Of course to build them yourself, or even have them built, might be a bit of a punt, but hey, perhaps worth mentioning. There’s a few members here who have (different) designs by him.

I think the stand mounts look good in your room……

Each room is different so speaker matching is tough…. Everyone raved about the kudos 505/606 and I simply couldn’t get on with them in my room….so it’s what ever works.

Good luck.


Hi QuickSticks something from the Neat range possibly Orkestras might be the speaker to suit your space and provide the sound you are looking for.
They should definitely be on your demo list even if it’s only to rule them out, good luck with your journey.