System Pics 2024

I agree DrMark

I traded my credos in and my elder brother grabbed them and still has them today

Very good speaker :+1:


Hi Meni
Read post 3897 for an answer to that :+1:.

Pair for sale here with a $300 no reserve auction…

I keep going back to this photo. Something in the mix of shapes, colors, proportions makes this part of a room extremely attractive.


He explained above. He will live next in a smaller house. Instead of 3000 m2 , he will have to accommodate to only 1500 . 5 Bugatti Tourbillon instead of 15.
Life can be cruel sometimes.

Just tongue in cheek @Cohen1263 . You know me.
Hope you will enjoy your a bit diminished system in your new house.


:smile:But you got it wrong Rooster. The room NOW is not facilitating the big system. I kind of ended up going active with 500’s through default as the second 500 was acquired as a straight exchange for the SME (the turntable that you love so much :wink:). I wanted to move the deck on and sever ties with that company. The only significant “diminishment” that I hear is active to passive soon to be remedied. If I had to stay in this room I’d more than happily run S1/ 2 x 500 SL2. People can scoff (and insult it’s just goes with the territory) but these speakers when “dialled in” and fed with a top source and amps are just a joy to listen to.


Thank you for the kind words about the room. Yesterday I connected the Credos to the Nait2 and the CD3.5 for the first time. I never thought it would work so well. The Credos played for at least 8 hours last night - film (Blu-ray - Children of men), DVD Katie Mela (CD Katie Melua Collection CD+ DVD - very good sound, Massiv Attack, Vollenweider (Caverner Magica), Jai - Jagdeesh (Down comes the walls), Snatam Kaur (Beloved) and in the end they were really well played. As I said, at the end with the Nait2. The music was so beautifully compact and flowing and the midrange (which the olive components do so well) was fantastic. Of course not with the resolution at both ends of the scale, but it was still exciting. Please don’t misunderstand me, this isn’t a hype, just an attempt to put the sound impression into words :slight_smile: Oh yes, I stick to it, if the CREDO is really good and adjusted straight with the spikes, it produces a really brilliant, gnarly BASS!


If i understand well, the new room will be a bit smaller and not ideal to set up full active system with Kudos 808?
Or I miss something.

The system has been temporarily downsized in order to look less dominant while selling the house. The full setup, including the 808s will then be used in the new house.


It’s still a big apartment in my terms


Gone full 500 now - blown away! Need to split the Fraim now.


Thanks HH. Further to that if the hifi room in our next home has a similar smaller dimension to this one (4m) then I’d happily consider continuing with 2 x 500 SL2. I feel blessed to own such a musically satisfying system.


The best I’ve heard SL2s sound is on the end of a 552/500 at Naim, playing the Planets. The sheer scale generated from modest sized boxes was incredible. They are manna from Heaven for those with narrower rooms, or those who want something discreet. I loved mine in my 4.5m by 3.6m room, with the speakers on the long wall. I used them with a 552/300 originally, and later got a second pair with my 262/555DR and 300DR. They are the sort of speaker you can forget about and just enjoy the music. A really brilliant design.

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Agreed. The way the S1 improves on the 552 is far from wasted with SL2 also. Let’s see whether the same applies activated them with 500’s.

Obviously not that cold yesterday otherwise the cats would be hogging the fireplace rug and this photo would be in the Pet and System Pics :slightly_smiling_face:


When hifi perfectly integrates into a home. That room looks warm and inviting.:+1:


Finally got to listen to these. They can play loud. Flat from 20hz. Enjoyable.


They certainly look great. Is this an evolution of your previously posted speakers, or something completely different?

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Completly different. 15" 4th order band pass to around 300hz. 12" to 2500hz. Raal in horn to 20k. They can reach 135db with enough power.
Bass in 60x60x60. Top section is 60x60x36cm.
Active. Made in mdf. Drivers are 18sound


Audio bliss

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