System Pics 2024

@HungryHalibut @Bevo @Pete_the_painter
Gentlemen, all good suggestions, but we have to start with what can be demoed here.
Orkestra’s could be a possibility and it may be possible that they are coming with the Magistra’s next week. I am also considering Ekstra’s, but demoing from the Ultimatum range could be a bit more challenging :man_shrugging:t2:


The Orkestra’s get great reviews and being the proud owner of a pair I can highly recommend them.


Agree Pete they are excellent having heard them at Harry’s

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It’s a shame you can’t get the hear the XLS. Basically Sound seems to be the only Neat dealer in your area - I think it’s your area - but do t list the Ultimatum range, which seems odd. The Majistra and Orkestra are therefore probably the ones to look at. It would seem a shame to get something that’s just ‘good enough’ while you look for something else. You really want something you’ll love and that will enable you to forget about speakers for many years.


Orkestras sit just below the ultimatum range and they may well be on a par or even have a broader range then the XLS being a floor stander

The XLS’s are pretty expensive these days

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I paid $10k think they’re considerably cheaper in the UK.

The XLS’s are now $12k , 7 years ago I paid $7k.

Nuts these days in Aussie

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Are you able to audition the new Neat Momentum Jet stand mounts - the Momentum J-S? Although from the Momentum range they have a large amount of Ultimatum DNA in them. People who heard them at Hifi shows thought they were v special. Released in September - £5k for the stand mount version ( there is a floorstander as well)


Good point crispyduck yes saw them about to be released

Be interesting to compare to orkestras

Neat range kind of getting a bit crowded albeit different designs but makes it harder to make a decision


I just noticed the Motive range is now discontinued. So that might make choices a bit easier? They do seem to release new models quite frequently, I don’t think that’s just me!!?? Good job they’re almost always well received :slight_smile:

Didn’t realise that gthack

Yes agree that makes selection a bit easier at the lower end

The Petite and Elites have blown the Motive range away . I’m a big fan of the Petite Classic I must say

I guess at some stage they may bring out an upgrade to the Ultimatum range, been a long time although they might just leave alone for a while longer

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Re arranged tv isoblue rack which freed up a shelf so now the system can have a bit more space


I hadn’t noticed till I looked :slight_smile:

It was the Elite or Mystiques I heard at Tom Tom on the end of all the 200 and 300 NC gear - very nice indeed.

I love my Iotas and SX3s, but the Neat Classic range looks lovely, as does their Strata range that @QuickSticks is listening to.

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maybe consider a try of a new Danish product, the Clarity 6.2 by Radiant Acoustics (collaboration between Purifi, Nordic Hifi and Hifi Klubben with Peter Lyngdorf). But only worldwide online sale with 30 day return possibility.

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I think we have a lot of options to explore from Neat Acoustics before I start drifting around the unknowns Dico😉


It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on the Ekstra’s if you get a chance to demo a pair, they were slightly above my budget when I did my auditioning for a new set of speakers earlier in the year but heard the then new Elite Classics and they ticked most of my boxes and sat well in my lounge so they were an easy choice.
They did however take a good length of time (Neat recommend at least 200hrs) to reach their best I think it’s something to do with the EMT tweeter so be sure your demo model of the Ekstra is well run in as I think this uses a bigger version of the same tweeter fitted to the Elites.

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I’m not sure that I will. I think I’ll be limited to Ministra’s (currently in the room), Magistra’s and possibly Orkestra’s. If I go Ekstra’s it will be a judgement call based on what I hear from the others.

I was surprised that you ran those stand mount speakers with your 500 system (heard them in Harry’s) but was more surprised when I actually heard them. They did sound spectacular.

By the way, bet you miss the CD555. :grin:


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Bugger still hasn’t delivered the 300 system he promised when I was in hospital either. :rofl::rofl: