System Pics 2024

I said before those stands with stand mounts fit the room more than floor standers. They look the business…

Are they lateral audio stands?


Hi Gary
Yeah, I’m definitely not an ATC fan. They just don’t suit me at all.
The Majistra’s are everything the Ministra’s were and then some. The Bass control is incredible.
Mrs Q absolutely loves them. Says they bring more out of the music than she’s ever heard before. Currently listening to PF High Hopes and she’s just said, “There’s Bees buzzing at the beginning! I’ve never heard those before”…:rofl:


Hi Wilfried,
Yes, had a Wireworld power distributor before, my dealer advised me to upgrade it with the Furutech……and he was right……, sound is simply more beautiful, for me it is worth the (very) high price…
It is star wired in 2 times 3 sockets. So i put the 300 DR alone in one of the 3 sockets on the right side and used the other 3 sockets on the left side of the 609 NCF for the Melco, the switch and the NPX300.

Best rgds…


They fit the space really nicely, and somehow just look right. Are you going for a wood finish to lift the black?


American Walnut with Acoustic Energy Reference stands with the American Walnut fronts (as below)

Just living with the demo ones for a couple of days before placing the order.


I think you have to keep an eye on Neat.
What didn’t you like about the ATC?

Almost everything. Not heard an ATC speaker I’ve enjoyed listening to…:man_shrugging:t2:

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That sounds perfect. Walnut and black is a great combination. Enough contrast but not too much. I’m so pleased your search has been successful. There is life beyond Kelidhs!


Well done @QuickSticks. Speakers will look wonderful in black and walnut. I am sure they are a big improvement on Linn Kelidhs. I had the Kelidhs and really liked them, a very musical speaker.

But things have moved on alot since then with speaker technology. Glad you have found what you were looking for ! Can’t wait to see your new speakers set up in walnut.



I find ATCs very neutral sounding. They are good speakers. Never fancied buying them though.

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Nice to see another K6 owner! And you have the IsoAcoustics feet which make a huge impact in my system.

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Hi Jurgen, thanks for the reply and the photo. I am currently using Furutech e-TP60E NCF power distributor. I might upgrade to the TP609 NCF in the future, so your impression is valuable to me

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Nice speakers looks like the same drivers in my Orkestras.

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I believe they are😉
Tony brought the Orkestra’s with him, but they never came out of the boxes. They would have thrown far too much Bass energy into the space, which would have presented us with the same problems as the ill feted Dynaudio Evoke 50’s.
I think with the changes that will be coming in the next couple of months, the Majistra’s will bring a very pleasing end to my replacement speaker search. :blush:
I will explain the aforementioned changes soon😉


Mine are only set up temporarily and on a carpeted floor which sucks up a bit of bass. I’m thinking of putting a piece of timber under them (when I get the energy). At the moment the bass is quite subtle but present.

Neat make great speakers.


First night for my Muso Mk1 replacement.

Set up didn’t go well until I updated the Unit, but since then this Cambridge Evo One is going great guns.


Well yes they do Pete

I see they have discontinued the Neat Motive range , thought that might happen, it was getting a bit crowded with the classic petite, elite range coming out which are better anyway

I’m resting my ultimatum XLS’s down south currently and trying out pair of petite classics as the space is rather small and the XLS’s give out heaps of base, I think bit too much

You can never have too much (controlled) bass.


I’m more of a mid range person , but whatever floats our boats

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Interesting choice - would be interested to learn why you went to the Cambridge and not to the Mk2! Thanks!