System Pics 2024

It’s been interesting following your new speaker journey. You have an exceptionally helpful dealer. Those Majistras look so right in your room. They’ll look even better in walnut, that’s a great choice. I hope they’re outperforming the Keilidhs too. Exciting times. What’s the lead time for Neats and stands?

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The Muso was nearly 9 years old and having recently moved we had too many sound systems for the house.

I decided to move on the TV soundbar and use the Muso but it wasn’t great for that purpose. I listened to Muso 2, Ruark R410, Kef LSX, PSB Alpha IQ…but then this CA Evo One came out. Eventually I got to hear one and was impressed with its sound quality and functions.

We really like the style and my partner last night actually said it was easy to use and sounded good.

The screen is great.

If the Muso ever morphs to be Uniti (with screen) like then that could be a winner.


We shall see, but I believe the speakers won’t take long. Not sure regarding the stands, as we have to find a source first. I’ll be speaking to Tony on Tuesday I think.

Great to see another Neat convert join the forum, as has been said before the Naim Neat combination does have a certain synergy it was rumoured that Neat used Naim amplification when testing their speakers which may have something to do with this.
Enjoy your new speakers



Is the Lingo 4 hidden at the back somewhere ?

Just looking at your system profile


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Looks like it’s on the floor right of 2nd stack.

Yeah Bevo, it’s at the bottom of the source rack, tucked behind the CDT.

Nope, that’s the NAPSC😉

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Busy afternoon trying to get my speakers exactly equidistant from eachother and my listening position :grimacing: I know lasers would be easier but silly to spend money just for this when I already have on brand old classic duct tape!! :rofl:

Ps. My phone camera distorts the picture when zoomed out like this, the triangle is actually equal on all sides; but hopefully you get the idea! Definite sound improvement from the off :+1:


This one is more akin to reality.


Ps. I’m not joining the occult :rofl:

Pps. Cheapest and most effective upgrade I’ve ever done! I may invest in a couple of bass traps next given how close my speakers are to the walls :+1:


:upside_down_face: Should look like this:


Nice :joy:. I have finally got things aligned meaning I can also finally get a straight shot of my system!


System looking great and I like the new flooring design. The new floor matches the green Naim logos. :frog:tape. Ribbit Ribbit :frog: :frog: :frog: :muscle: :rofl:

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Best tape there is for decorating I’ve found! Very on brand too :upside_down_face:

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I tried this for experimentation

Amazing what left over underlay can do


Latest addition to my system…a custom built Rega P10 lid that means it should no longer be possible to accidentally catch and break off my Apheta3 needle while dusting due to the useless lid the turntable comes with that offers no protection and thus have the privilege of a £578 Rega Apheta3 rebuild…



I feel your pain.

Just know this…you are not alone brother!!!


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Hmmm. I’ve got SCM19’s.

Beez buzzing. Check. :thinking:

Are you able to give some details for some other folk to follow your example please?