System Pics 2024

It’s a pity in some ways, but as you say, you’ve another great solution. My Nova has been rock solid from day one, and is used many hours each day, as it’s in the lounge. I’ve the larger system now in the music room/office, but the Nova is great with the TV and my wife has YouTube Jazz on all day. I’ve a sub with it too, so it’s great for movies.

I think the Atom HE with active speakers is a really great down size option, especially if you use headphones for music at night when the family is resting. Is fitting the power amp modules to your speakers a DIY jib, or did your dealer do it?

Get credit for Nova. Get Atom HE, PMC amplifier boards, one Naim Qb. I needed to shell out £13 to balance the books.

Yes, the PMCs have a push fit connection, which disconnects from the passive crossover and connects to the active. When PMC designed the twenty5 speakers they saw an active version in the future, hence why the metal back panel is so large, so maybe the push fit plug was part of that.

I understand that ATC use push fit connectors for their crossovers on their entry level series, so it is not just PMC. The push fit block does mean you can swap to active in minutes, with no soldering skill required. Whether soldering would make a better link I don’t know. It’s all a balance between perfection and practicality I guess.


I did the speakers myself, in under 10 minutes. Easy peasy.


And so they should be! It would be nice if they just once and for all fixed the issue and not be having to hand out replacement units….As you know, this has been going on, off and on, for a very long time and I posted images of my old man’s Nova back in 2018 or so with the issue…he went through 3 units until it was ‘resolved’….
Reminds me, I should enquire that all is still
ok – knowing Dad the logo bar is sitting on the deck and he hasn’t noticed…!

Still, glad you got a solution, nice setup.
I have the HE as well, though just for headphone use….but it does strike me as a very versatile solution for a nice, neat and performing system, whether you go active with speakers and pre-out or linking up with say a NC NAP250….
I’d be interested to know how you go with the active PMC……




I completely agree. I was offered a third Nova and while generous I wasn’t comfortable with the idea. It just seems wasteful, and unnecessary hassle. Hence swapping to the Atom, which took not a little negotiation.

When the Nova first came out, the logo bar issue was because the double sided tape they held it on wasn’t strong enough. That was an easy fix and seemed to have cured the problem. But my issues seem to be down to something physical in the construction. Fixing the issue is of course the right thing to do.

The Nova is a brilliant all in one and I very much enjoyed using it, or them. My HE is on loan until my own brand new one arrives, hopefully before Christmas. It’s something to look forward to.


Indeed, and none of us are coming back to enjoy something better next time, eh?

I’ve been toying with the idea of going with a Linn Selekt one box solution, but on reflection I should probably also consider both of the Nova options as well, on cost grounds if for no other reason.

The p/x cost hit isn’t that attractive either even with what must be considered an excellent deal!


It’s just occurred to me. Halibut has started a trend.



Don’t forget that @HungryHalibut is exchanging his second Nova for an Atom HE as he’s had quality issues with both of them.

As he has stated, they are good, but it may appear that the quality maybe a bit suspect.


For things that move but shouldn’t, gaffer tape, for those that don’t but should WD40 (Note other lubricants are available) :joy:.

Probably not that aesthetically pleasing though



That’s my old Land Rover Defender’s tool box.



Na, he got it back through the backdoor with going active … :wink:

Reflections on Naim.




Naim Nait 1 and Naim Nait 2 ,both recently recapped.I swap them every couple of months.
The other Nait 1 and Nait 2 in the bottom shelf,are not recapped as of yet.
Neat Petite 30’s on vintage Kudos stands.


A fine collection of NAITs there, Bobby :sunglasses:

Thanks James!

The stacking is for picture purposes only!


Enjoying a rectifier tube upgrade in my DAC. In my auditioning back and forth between an RCA 5u4GB and Sylvania tube I kept the lid off the DAC.

Call me crazy but I think taking the lid off has opened up the soundstage- sounds very natural. Well either that or I’ve completely lost my mind.


Great speakers Bobbyj

I have these - I’m running with Nait 50

Nait 1 & 2 drive them OK ?

Yes,real good! I used to have a Nait 50 as well but sold it cause I preferred the Nait 2 overall!
And right now,I can’t decide which Nait I love better;the recent recapped 1 or the 2.So,I just keep them both and swap them every once and a while to compare. Both sound sweet and engaging to my ears!