System Pics 2024

Thankyou, although I do have many of my own photographs taken while walking, backpacking and camping wild around GB (particularly the mountainous areas) adorning the walls in other rooms of my home, alas, the one’s you are referring to are by prolific landscape photographer Colin Prior.


Or maybe someone with a Full Statement system who lives near Dan in Eastbourne might be happy for a home visit?

Don’t know what words to use Dan but like everyone else my heart goes out to you.
Stick in there and keep playing those tunes!
All the best, Ian

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Now you mention it, those carpet tiles are distracting :joy:


Just sat down to read your earth shattering news Dan and can only say my heart goes out to you buddy, I can only admire your positive outlook to the situation you now find yourself in life is just s##t sometimes.
Sending my thoughts and best wishes


Thank you so much for all your support. I appreciate it more than you will ever know. Although I have never met any of you, you have provided a mountain of support and have been there for me unequivocally.

You guys are absolutely awesome. And I love you all!

Let’s celebrate the music, our systems and our lives!

Together we make our world a better place. Guys, in a time of extreme uncertainty, I feel immense support from you all.

Our leader Richard has been in touch with me personally and we will arrange a visit to HQ. Be good if I can meet some of you. Hopefully Richard can make this happen. Thanks for reaching out Richard.

We can always arrange other things to meet up. I think the Naim forum doesn’t just have to be virtual. We can meet in person and listen to each others systems. I am near Eastbourne. I am prepared to travel. I am mobile and am fit and able.

Obviously I work still, and will be having chemo for 18 weeks, but between us we can work things out.

If anyone wants to message me personally you can get my details through our leader Richard.

I love you all and wish you all my best wishes.

I am most humbled by the support that I have recieved. The positive energy will give me additional strength in what can only be described as an extremely difficult and uncertain time.


Hi Dan,

I am very close to you, living a few miles east of Brighton so would happily meet up with you. Hope the chemo goes as well as it can.


Hi Paul, I used to live in Rottingdean and Saltdean. If you contact Richard, he will give you my details and we can check each others systems out.


I wish for anything that is of good to you Dan. :scream:


I will do it once I work out how to do so. I am happy for him to give you my contact details. Take care.


My heart goes out to you Dan keep fighting buddy :heart:


It’s okay Paul. I will message Richard and ask him to forward my details to you. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve messaged Richard. He will pass on my details to you. Thanks for reaching out. I appreciate it.


This forum makes me stronger going through this. My hope is we all become stronger and unified. One Naim family :wink:


Hi @Dan_M, just caught with this thread and I’m gutted for you bud. Not sure how you’re staying so strong but it is most admirable. I have no words of help for you so I’m just gonna sends some big hugs your way.


Recently Richard put me in touch with @Yorkshireman (we only live 5 miles apart) Its good to have a listen to another setup, his especially its an Aladdin’s cave of some very interesting equipment.


Hey Dan. My daughter lives in Hailsham so it would be good to catch up and chat systems if I’m down that way. @Richard.Dane can you please pass my contact details on to Dan. Thanks.

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Dear @Dan_M
Honestly - I do not know what I shall write to you… I am shocked and sad and only can wish you the best you can get out of this tragic situation.
All my (and I think a lot of more here) wishes and best thoughts are directed to you.
Also do not know, what is best now … a hug, a pint, a prayer, normal music talk.
Please pick up.
All the best for you,

Holger, aka drago

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What an incredible person you are.

So many words spring to mind, courage, bravery and compassion strength optimistic, I could go on. The world would do well (let alone the forum) to take a leaf out of your book!

What impresses me is that you are able with a few simple words able to unite the wonderful folks here. Imagine what you could do for the world!!!

Your words of “be the best you can be” resonated with me. Last time I saw your post I posted a picture of my system I got so many likes, made me feel pretty great I must say. So, you unknowingly added to the quality of my life, bless you! Who knows I may post another pic :wink:

So, with your words “be the best you can be” then in turn you must be The amazing Man you are. Keep being the Superman you are, a real life superhero….do you have a cape :joy:

Dan, I salute you sir. I will now play some music and dance like me dad!!!


Just had call from hospital, bloods being done tomorrow. Chemo starts monday! :slightly_smiling_face:

Positive action!