System Pics 2024

Made some changes late last year, it’s got a long story that forced a change, then undid some of it with some new pieces. 333 will be back in a while but until then it’ll be all analog here for a bit. Just about 10 days in, breaking in Solstice and the new cables one record at a time.


I’ll join you…


My 2024 System Pic….


That looks fantastic, I like the cabinet, the isolation platforms match the size of the boxes well and look good … might give them a try as I’m finding the glass/balls a bit of a pita :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: not meant as a criticism but is it possible to turn them round so the logo is at the back? It’s quite large!

Mark, the Zen platforms have badges and logos on front and back unfortunately. My one does anyway.

Newer ones don’t. I have an old one that has 2 logos. Got a new one a few weeks back and it is only on one side


Thanks Marty but I think that I maybe more biased than you. :wink:

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Solstice looks fantastic in that set-up !

I have a new one and mine does, as does my older one

What are the two items on the top two tiers of the right rack? Is the second one down a Linn power supply for the LP12?

(Actually, I’d be guessing as to the rest as well - other than the LP12!)

Left Fraim:

300 head unit

Right Fraim:

Rega Aura phono stage
Klimax Radikal 2 power supply for LP12
300DR PS
Supercap DR

I know how hard it is to stay positive, I’ve been there. But being negative doesn’t help. I had SCLC . Cancer sucks. I did a lot of praying. It helped me stay focused. Don’t give up.


Thank you, Toon.

Lovely room and setup there Andy. Very cosy and those 808s look just right.

@Dan_M Just caught up with this thread. Awful news - Cancer is :poop: and I just want to wish you the very best on this journey. Take care.


Ah ok, thanks Neil :slightly_smiling_face:

Terrible news, Dan - you have been a beacon of an example of how to face such a devastating situation.

I can’t recall if I mentioned or posted this, but I found the video of Warren Zevon’s final appearance on Letterman a very inspiring thing. I hope it gives some perspective from someone who has trodden the path you are apparently on.

Enjoy every sandwich, Dan.


Wow that’s one of the nicest system pics I’ve seen, very unique! Is the furniture custom made?

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Thank you :slight_smile: I just wish they didn’t have the same size logo and print on the back but they do. From removing it with heat to covering them with electric tape , most ideas have been entertained, then I decided to ignore them. Good thing Naim logo is lit, so night time is pretty easy to ignore them. Performancewise, they are excellent, they made a meaningful/audible difference in the sound.

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Thank you so much for your kind words. It took a while to find the furniture collection with a grain close to Dynaudio’s Blonde Wood, it’s not exactly the same but it’s close. Cheers.

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Hi @Dan_M,
Wishing you all the best for Monday!