System Pics 2024

End game set up! Sopra 2 killers!
Sometimes you just need music in your life, temporarily using these surround speaks while my PMC 26’s are back at the factory having a check over.
Followed Dan’s posts for awhile, as my grandad used to say and not very often “ that man is made of stern stuff” wishing him and his family all the best in dealing with such difficult times, hang in there fella sure everyone on the forum is rooting for you👍


Good afternoon everyone,

I have just added a Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T to my second system (Naim Atom and Kef LS 50 Metas).

Brian D.


First 2024 photo and first upgrade of 2024

The Lingo 4 has been swapped out for a Radikal 2 and what a difference! This was a fascinating morning spent with Peter Swain as he expertly carried out the upgrade, I now know (and can easily hear) which way up to have the felt mat and how to determine which side of the belt is preferred.

In addition to the motor upgrade, Peter found that the arm has been way too high for the past three years :man_facepalming: (set by another dealer) which will undoubtedly have been affecting the sound so any future work on the deck will now be entrusted to him.


What he said. Stay strong @Dan_M and I wish you the best possible outcome.


Yet another system. This one is scratching the itch for tubes with my venerable Technics SL-1210Mk2 and some modern Quad amplification - a QC24P valve phono stage and the brilliant little VA-One power amplifier.

The Wharfedale Dentons complete the setup. It’s an interesting sound, certainly coloured but makes for a fun listen.


That Technics looks in mighty fine condition!


Yes I agree it’s a shame about the logos, they’re not exactly subtle but good to hear they work well, the most important thing after all, cheers.

Can you elaborate more about the Dentons? I was considering a pair to replace my Kef IQ3 speakers to go with my Marantz receiver.

Dan, In my short time in the forum I’ve read and enjoyed your comments. Your enthusiasm and generosity of spirit is there for all to see. I’m sure your openness has been a help to many. Keep spinning the disks mate.
Best wishes, John


What is the plinth, Richard - oak perhaps? They look so much better now that Linn have stopped painting the ‘skirt’ black. (And nice to see where one of the other 1,981 Nait 50s has ended up.)

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Just goes to show how individual taste differs.
I much prefer the aesthetic effect of the black ‘skirt’ around the plinth base…It makes the LP12 plinth appear slimmer and more elegant, much less block-like & ‘stout’.

Makes the Sondek look like a Sondek, to me.


Hi MaxBertola I may see there are not longer “my” NAC-A5 cables? :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Maurizio,
no, I haven’t them any more. I must have changed a few lives after those…

Thanks - despite the age (over 20 years) it was for a long time a “spare” deck that got taken to events as backup but true to the ruggedness of the breed it always stayed in the flight case.

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These are the 80th anniversary edition and being rear ported are totally in the wrong place in this setup. When used properly on stands they still have a mid-bass hump but the midrange for vocals is excellent and they do present a surprisingly large soundstage.

I got these in the UK brand new for half the original selling price. Nice weighty cabinets and they look fantastic.

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Graham, it is indeed oak and I agree that the absence of the black skirt is better but to my eyes only with the height gain that a Trampolin gives, I’ve seen an oak “Majik” deck with the small rubber foot on each corner and it doesn’t look quite right…

I think there’s 1,973 Nait 50s in total out there. Great amp, will be staying.

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I agree when it’s an afromosia fluted plinth that the black makes it elegant but I feel that only works in conjunction with a standard base and the rubber feet at each corner.

Add a Trampolin and it starts to look a bit “jacked up” but an oak plinth like mine without the black does look more in proportion on Trampolin feet.

As you say, individual tastes differ

Once the pride of my parents living room, now my secondary “system”:

Playing right now and illuminating the room nicely.


That’s when a radio was a wireless. :grin:


Please ignore the headphone cable sneaking in from the left…

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