System Pics 2024

Yeah, Gaias on both Ninka’s and Keilidh’s.
REL currently setup to run with the Keilidh’s. It’s not a long way off, but a click here or there might be necessary to dial it all the way in🤓

You do seem to have issues with your speakers. I can’t help thinking that they are too far from the rear wall. Both the Keilidhs and Ninkas should be between 4” and 12” from the rear wall and at least 18” from any corner. They also look a bit close to the side walls. Also, your listening position should be an equal distance to the distance between the speakers with a slight toe in which from your pics doesn’t appear to be the case. Of course you can deviate from this but performance will suffer. Another thing to consider is placing your components to the side rather than right between the speakers. Im not meaning to be over critical but as you have felt the need to change your speakers again I can’t help thinking there is a more fundamental issue at play here preventing you from getting the best out of your system. Hope you don’t take this the wrong way just trying to be helpful. :blush:


I get what you’re saying Paul and I’m not struggling with the Keilidh’s.
I already owned the Ninka’s, they were purchased for my wife’s system. I decided I wanted to try them in the Cabin, but I will be more than happy to put the Keilidh’s back if I get no benefit from the Ninka’s.
The discussion regarding positioning was had some few months ago and a different option was tried. It sounded terrible so we stayed with this config.
The space is somewhat limiting.
The Cabin is not wide enough to move the racks to the side and still have space for furniture. The room may sound better, but it would be pointless if there is no where to sit…:man_shrugging:t2:


Few changes since last years picture.
ADOT 2 kit added which improved clarity and is good value.
Full Fraim added which surprised me with the degree of improvement to SQ.
Finally added a second PS to the ND555 which I can confirm produces a considerable improvement to the system.
I keep saying I’ll stop but as long as I use this site I’m certain that won’t happen.


I am guessing your door is in the middle on the right length and your speakers are across the shorter 3m width so I think I see your limitation. My cabin is a completely different shape which allows optimum positioning. I think this really helps with getting the best out of my stuff. Here’s a quick diagram.


Wherever there are Sats, there’s joy!


That’s true Max. By the way, I envy you on those IBLs. :grin: Enjoy,


May I suggest that you get another Fraim level. Put it underneath the 552 and things will both look and sound better.


Yep, it will sound better, and Tom Tom have some maple ones ex demo etc at the moment.

I’ve left it as it is so I can reach the mains point when lightning is forecast.


Now that’s an answer I wasn’t expecting!


Pragmatic though.


That would seem like a top tactic, but aren’t we supposed to power everything down and then up carefully from the power amps towards the source and vice-versa?

Mike, this is for access to the mains switch so I can unplug the whole system.
I can just reach it without an additional level of Fraim.

Except for the SCM40s and some of the LP12, most of the system changed over the year.
Gone are the Star, 250DR, Rega Fono, now it is:
NPX TT Lingo 4

And it sounds fantastic so I am very happy with the upgrades.


Happy New Year.
Only recent addition is the PhoenixNET😁:


The new classic boxes look great all together. Have you considered putting the Lingo on the floor out of the way, then you could align all the Naims. The NVC looks like it has chickenpox - is it fingerprints or the plastic protective film?

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I think the phone flash caused the NVC TT chicken pox effect.
I am pondering what to do with the Lingo at the moment. I have considered getting a shoe box-sized rack for the NVC TT, NPX TT, Lingo and Musicworks power block and having it alongside the main rack. I think the Quadraspire rack at one shelf lower would look better and sound slightly better too. These are all for the future though, though getting another NPX300 would force the issue, I am trying to resist adding another box.

New speaker stands arrived an hour ago. It’s a pair of SolidSteel SS6 for my Falcon LS3/5A. As mentioned in the turntable thread, I’ve had to move the equipment around to eliminate a mysterious new source of hum. The result is a gap has appeared on the lower shelf (NDX2? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)


Hi there. Definitely admire the simplicity. Have you ever considered or tried moving the lamp away from the Nova?
LED bulbs can adversely affect the sound of systems, I moved one away from my set up and was pleasantly impressed

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