System Pics 2024


I bought that lamp specifically to go there. It’s made by Original BTC - take a look at their website - and is one of the nicest things I own. The Nova is on dedicated mains, but if you are suggesting that LED bulbs can affect the system by their mere proximity, then I’ll live with it. We can take hifi paranoia too far. So no, it’s not moving!!


Very nice lamp and agree about paranoia
My lamp was on the ring main, hi fi on a spur.
Firstly I changed the LED for an old incandescent I found. Made a difference. After a couple of months the bulb blew, so I put back the LED. Didn’t like what I heard so the lamp went.
Not sure about the science, but I think each LED bulb has some kind of regulation built it that can be “noisy”

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Neat :ok_hand:

Is the lowermost component a phono stage or streamer?

Hard to argue that you need anything more complicated. Nice.

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I’ve got an led lamp right next to my Nova too so i put a load of ferrites on the cable, whether it made a difference who knows but i cant tell any difference with the lamp on or off.

The bottom box is a Linn Klimax Radikal 2 for powering the deck and its internal Urika Phonostage.

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Thank you for the very kind comment I’ve made it as minimal as possible.
My Speakers are Kudos X3. :+1:t2:


Our lamp is on a Tapo smart plug - goodness knows what that’s doing. Maybe our Novas are too lowly to show the impact of LED lights.

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Instead of the Tapo smart plug we use Tapo smart bulbs around the home for a neater solution.

You are smarter than me! Still, we were able to use the Tapo plug for the Christmas lights.

Do you still need your Silent Angel, as you got the PhoenixNet ?
Nice looking system by the way. :+1:

May I suggest a little modification ? Why not destroy and remove the chimney, as it creates too much heat towards the speakers ?
You will have then a black hole which will enhance inky black blackground . I know, my advices are sometimes reaching the genius.


Genius maybe……but this is England old boy……Santa visits us first, we need a chimney for the pressies😁


Isn’t it lovely ?
A direct access for Santa.


So thats where all my hifi pressies went😉


I hadn’t noticed the book’s title. Is it a reference to Huxley’s Brave New World? In a very different way?

Probably not.
Makes the room a man cave but sounds good, so loathed to tinker :wink:.

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That would nicely fit 25 levels of Fraim.


When I started replacing old lightbulbs with LEDs I found some brands were electrically very noisy, others less so, and I found one brand that seemed to be silent, so that’s what I used.
Whether any of the noise they generate actually gets into the HiFi, and if it does, whether it degrades sound quality, is another matter, but it seemed like a good idea to remove the problem at source.