System Pics 2024

Beautiful turntable! Some top-end Technics?

No strange noises now! I didn’t realize that amp is so big. Sweet!

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I was wondering about that TT too, Technics you think🤔
Zooming in on the pic it certainly could say Technics, put us out of our curiosity/misery @murrayh. What’s the manufacturer hiding under the light bloom?

Technics SL 1000R reference I think. Nice. :smiley:

it sounds as of your CDX2 needs to go back to NAIM for some TLC , same thing happened with mine and it came back sounding superb


Yes technics SL1000r with DS Audio headshell Linn Ekstatik cartridge. Also has KAB damper and Vertere mat


And is that a pair of Statement power amps I see almost out of shot? If so, it seems that Naim power amps with the Linn Klimax streamer preamp is becoming a thing.

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Sofa’s hogging way too much space. It’s got to go.

Keep one cushion, it’ll make sitting on the floor a bit more comfortable.


Nice racks! How do you find the x-reference compared to the SVT

Was thinking the same thing. Maybe simply a natural progression of the original Linn source tunefulness in synergy with Naim amp PR&T at play.

Any comment @james_n ?

There’s been a change round here, and room made for one more box. Probably in about 2-3 months time… Room for some album cover artwork to go above the system now…


It is a klimax DSM but I run it fixed output into Statement pre. Very happy with Linn sound wise and it’s just been upgraded with the new Utopik power supply which has brought a significant lift in sound quality. I have never tried the Linn direct into the power amps. I need a pre anyway with the two sources. With the quadraspire when I bought the XRef I had a four stack Auralic as my source so wanted all that on the best stand. Since then other factors at play with one box digital plus turntable phono etc so never actually compared as such


Daughter #2 has a big birthday coming soon so have been scouring through old pics to make up a little (embarrassing) slide show. Anyway, among all the family photos this one turned up! By the look on my face I’d had one too many and probably had a Joe Walsh record on the LP12.

My Maserati does one eighty five
I lost my license, now I don’t drive …

Played at near clipping levels. Must have been early 80s. Happy days :blush:


On a dream system​:ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2:

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I added a little REL T5/x this morning. I’ve always been a bit anti-sub, but I’ve changed my mind almost instantly. I’m still messing about with it, but I have the levels and crossover set so that when it’s on, you can barely hear it and probably wouldn’t think it’s doing much of anything. Then you turn it off and the difference is drastic! Everything seems to turn very flat until you readjust to it off. Very curious little box.


Wonderful, Bravo!


Could be. The NAP350s (and the 250) do work very well with the Linn acting as a streaming pre-amp.
I wonder if the new balanced input stage has helped make them less Naim pre-amp dependent ?

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Yeah possibly, but I would be surprised if the whole design hasn’t been tweaked for wider bandwidth and increased transient response, resulting in less (or no) need for the bandwidth limiting normally associated with Naim preamps.
Of course the new amps will no doubt still sound different with a Naim Pre slotted in, and for some this will be ‘better’ different. The elegant simplicity of your setup is incredibly appealing though and doubtless with performance to keep you happy for a long time to come!

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Absolutely agree, brings a whole new dimension to my listening.
As you say, you don’t know it’s there until it isn’t.
My Rel T5x saved me a fortune in finding speakers that can do what it and my Linn’s do together so well.