System Pics 2024

Back to basics.

Removed the av system prior to some decorating and re arrangement. Must have music though so KISS principle applied.


It’s all about the music


How does this setup sound please? And might I enquire about the speakers? Looks exactly what I’m after

HI. The first thing I have to say is that this is a small room, barely 2.7 m x 3.0 m with a ceiling height around 2.5 m. The sound is good with these Linn Kans. They can lack bass in a large room though so be careful. In this room my AV setup with surround sound likes the bass of a floor stander. With music alone the room can sound boxy and careful positioning is needed with even a small floor stander.
The Nait is a Nait2 with the current iteration of the Node streamer. If I were to leave this set up in here after decorating then I would add the Qutest.

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Thanks for the info. I too am using in a relatively small room

Look at the current kan equivalents perhaps? I haven’t heard them but Falcon acoustics have a good reputation.

If you search in here others have tried modern iterations of the ls3/5a design.

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I’ve actually heard the 109’s through an Atom and they were the best of the speakers I heard

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That looks very similar the system that we normally take on holiday with us, except that we have Spendor 3/5 speakers on Skylan stands. The amp varies between a Nait, Nait 2 and Nait 50.

Although I do like my 252/300 system with much bigger BBC speakers, a small system like that really is a very enjoyable jewel.


I too love integrates, and the DAC V1 is not really a preamp; anyway, I so loved how the pair sounds that I mentally dismissed the SN with no regrets.
The pre/power combos I love are 202/200 and 252/300. I also usually get along very well without DR…

Best with your music!


Such a pretty ‘speaker, the Kan.



Where’s the “Naim Nova PE” thread gone?

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IIRC a few posts were getting a bit over the top. I suspect it is being cleaned up. Hope so anyway, there were a few posts trickling in with listening impressions.


I knew it. I wish some people would just leave it out. I wanted to hear the listening impressions.


Richard finally run out of patience, had enough and got his chopper out.


People were aerated because of the ad photo - class war…

Like we all live in hovels. Not.

Not sure I’ve posted a picture of my full setup before. The room’s not well lit so apologies for the graininess. Anyway, I’m very happy with it, despite harbouring the odd upgrade thought on the streaming side, in the shape of used NDX2s. And if Naim do an updated SuperNAIT I’d have to think very carefully! But for the moment it’s singing nicely. Probably listen to more vinyl than streaming, and stream more then CDs, but it’s great to have three great, and different sounding options.


I was wondering the same thing…

Hi Matt, happy to give it a try! Last year has been a never-ending series of upgrades for me but the electronics were pretty stable when I went from 20s to 30s. At the time I had the full NC200 set with 3 boxes. At the end of first week , the first things I noticed were the size and midrange. As weeks passed in the break-in, having a dedicated midrange driver just made the music play more realistically for lack of a better term. I also heard the pace of the music a bit closer with the help of that added midrange resolution. As much as 20s make it difficult to believe they’re standmounts, 30s really change the where boundaries of soundstage are. 30’s sound objectively larger in every direction compared to 20s and there’s more dynamics across the range. Also that DDC thing really makes an audible contribution in making the Esotar3 shine. Downside is they’re both a bit fussy to set up in terms of optimal positioning.
I had a pair of Heritage Specials before 20, I loved those but 20s were in another league, it’s the same if not a little bit larger difference with 30s. Hi-Fi is a cruel sport.


Ah, so not the xenophobia? That was the direction it looked to be heading in last time I saw it.

That Technics looks majestic atop, will be targeting one of those to join the cabin system in the near future.

Probably end up building out a complete Grand Class Technics rig, just minus the speakers, although they seem to be well received as well.