System Pics 2024

I love the racks. Looks great!

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Also agree on the 3 format front, I’ve actually started buying CD’s again after realising I’d been neglecting the CDx2-2.

The hot rodded Rega Apollo and MF Max-Dac/ Densen b400 also making great cases for themselves here as well.

A couple of purchases via bandcamp of material only available on download or CD has led to me re-appreciating CD and it can be pretty damn good and the half way house of physical interaction that vinyl brings over streaming.

Also had some technical glitches that are now sorted with streaming (for now) that just makes it and occasional pain in the a over physical stuff.


Time for some system pics … (main system in living room area, Mu-So in kitchen area, Mu-So Qb in home office/guest room).


I have Falcon LS3/5As, mounted on Solid Steel stands. Amazing little speakers!


@anon70766008 … beautiful speakers … I have a thing for small speakers … they just appeal to me … nice !!!


My other speakers in my main system are quite a bit bigger - stacked QUAD ESL57s.


Nice electrostatic quad . They are big :sweat_smile:

A single pair are very clear, but don’t go very loud - which is why people use a stacked pair (four panels). In my system, each pair is powered by one Olive NAP135.

I have a third pair of ESLs bolted to the ceiling just behind my sofa - powered by a NAP250 working off an AV1 rear sound processor - which I think may be just about the rarest thing that Naim ever manufactured.


While getting my isoaccoustic Gaia just now , I had the chance to listen to the linn klimax … awesome piece of gear

@james_n … awesome klimax u have…

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That’s an excellent summary of the two different house sounds.


Yes… that’s the difference … and also it’s different to the dcs I have… all are good steamers , depending on what sorts of sound one is after , pleasing individual listening and taste

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And also … linn is a one box solution , naim requires power supply , dCS requires clock , even esoteric requires clock too

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I think that’s right. You just buy into one or the other. I do like how Linn manages to capture such a great sound from one box (Organik KDSM) compared to five boxes from Naim Audio (ND555, 2 x CD555PSDR, NAC552, 552PSDR).


Lovely old picture of your system. Look forward to seeing it with your new CD player and power supply!

Yes, I’m having trouble getting the CDP and XPS to work at the moment - just high frequency tizz so far. I think that I need to replace the Burndy cable that I had with my old CDS2 with the new Burndy which came with the new equipment. The aluminium shelves on which the equipment sits don’t make that easy, but I’ll persevere.

Sorry to hear that your having problems setting it up. Definitely use the new Burndy cable. Would it be easier to change stacking order so they are not on top of each other?

@anon70766008 I bet that sounds wonderful !!!?

dCS doesn’t require a clock - I have LINA - a tiny ring-DAC box that streams from the best iOS interface and converts CD transport material to an outstanding quality; never needed the bolt-on clock but it’s there if you wish…


Yup… definitely good to have one (clock) … a great difference it makes