System Pics 2024

Looks great
All the best

Also a close-up here:


Happy New Year everyone.

A temporary system for the start of 2024: iPhone SE2 and my rather tatty Powerbeats (usually used for running duties).

My listening room / studio was cleared over the holidays and my UnitQute2, Rega RP6 and Dynaudio Emit M20s are all now in storage for when building work commences in February. Consequently, I’ll be using my daughter’s bedroom as a work room while she’s at University. Although a tight squeeze, in time, I’ll have a go at setting up the system there, but at the moment it looks like it won’t work due to space restrictions (storage boxes / furniture) :frowning:

The biggest system change from 2023 is that my Chrome Bumper Nait2 has been sold and now has a new owner. Something I thought I’d never do, but decided it was time to let it go and try a new approach.

Looking forward to moving forward with a new work room and hopefully a refreshed system in 2024!


You will hanker after your ‘lost’ CB Nait2 from time to time but there are better newer things around the corner.

Have you considered the Nait 50? More iconic styling and there are some good discounts to be had via dealers and some on the secondhand market. Could not be happier with mine after years of Nait2 ownership.


Gorgeous pic.

Nice and moody!

Oh wow, that’s interesting news :flushed:
Looks you’re going for it then.

Good luck in 2024.
Might be a really interesting journey for you

Best wishes

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This is my first post on the community. Supernait 1 and Naim Ariva :heart_eyes:


Welcome to the forum Giorgio. I have moved your post to the appropriate thread. Please ensure you only post in the English language, as per forum rules. You can use Google Translate to help you here. Thanks.


@anon27418182 I have the NAIT50 on the list, but in my eyes it is slightly compromised having no remote. If it had, I could easily have seen myself buying unheard (still not listened to one yet). I really missed the NAIT2 at first, but soon quickly adjusted back to the UQ2, which isn’t as good, but it still has the Naim sound and its own virtues.

@ratrat Yes, quite a decision selling the Nait2 as its the longest I’ve kept any audio kit. I listed it a couple of times and each time I ended the listing early due to potential sellers remorse. I’m now glad I did go through with the sale as it really opens up the options. I’m slowly building an audition list, also with an eye on the used market too. No hurry though as it will be months before I can back in my work room and it be safe enough for new kit.


I could not last too long without the Nait 2 … get a Nait 50 while it lasts?:))
For some strange reason there are even a couple of good deals still around…


No remote, no problem! My Linn Akurate DSM/3 has a pre-amp section and as the CDP goes to the Katalyst DAC in the Linn I can use the Linn remote or app to change the volume. BUT as you well know, once it’s set that’s really it.


Welcome to the forum Giorgio!

A fine looking system, enjoy the music…

13 days and nothing’s dropped off.


Wonderful. And the recording by Kayhan Kalhor (the sky is the same colour everywhere) is worth to listen. Thanks for the tip.

Isoblue extension kit arrived yesterday so my system looks like this for 2024. No upgrades planned !


So, no visit to the doctor’s then………:blush:


Ah, that’s interesting re the DSM and pre / volume control. A variant of LINN’s clever little modular box of tricks is on my to listen to list, as well as the Nova too, and its possible replacement if forthcoming this year.

Enjoying our new house and a nice fire, listening to Elles Bailey.

I had to buy a set of new speakercables, the naca5 were to short. Except from that everything is the same as last year.



I tried a Selekt with the basic DAC and the amp modules fitted about a year ago. Not sure if it was the DAC or the amp but I just could not get on with the sound - I found it very dry. However I am very happy with the Linn streamer and the Naim amp!

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