System Pics 2024

We’ll get there - soon, I hope!

Not the most tidy layout at the moment but I do have a Simrack coming in the next few weeks to get everything in order and allow my XPS to be connected to the nDac. I’ll post a photo of the finished (brain and brawn) stacks when all done. The Epos ES 14’s have just been refurbished with new tweeter diaphragms (many thanks to the forum member who flagged recently that these were available to buy). I bought these speakers new in 1989 so they were overdue some TLC. I don’t think I could ever persuade myself to part with them now.

The Meridian 500 CDT is a recent buy for just over £200 and will be going for a service in due course although it is working faultlessly so far. I had a 206 in the past which died some years ago and I have never really got over that so it is great to have another example from the same stable.

I’ve learnt a lot from the Forum over the years I have been rebuilding my system moving from an old Audiolab pre/power to the Naim system so I have decided it is about time that I contributed something.


Hi, Dan, they’re on different shelves, so that’s not the problem.

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I like seeing different LP12s in their many guises. Is that an oak plinth?

Wonderful to see another ES14 fan
Thanks for sharing a System Pic

Brilliant :+1:

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And thanks also to yourself as it was your post that alerted me to the tweeter diaphragms being on sale. I had one damaged (slightly embarrassing outcome of poking around the internals to check the capacitor rating…) so was almost resigned to them being sub-par for ever. Anyway after swooping on the diaphragms on the 'Bay I then sent them to Andrew at Anapeach who did a full refurb including new caps etc. and they are sounding as good as they did nearly 25 years ago when I originally bought them!

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Yes Graham its a Linn Oak Plinth from Peter at Cymbiosis.

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Francophobia maybe.

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I’m delighted for you
And also delighted another pair of ES14’s are being used and loved.
They are such a capable speaker.
My own pair are a keeper. I’ve found it so challenging to find anything better, ( at maybe less than £4k).

It would be great to hear about the refurb’ work you’ve undertaken. Maybe post that over on the ES14 thread for others to read too.

Happy listening

@longplayer hi … welcome to the forum ,nice set up . Am also new to the forum… barely 2 months :laughing:

Peter’s great. I bought a new LP12 from him recently, with a Simon Price cherry plinth, a rebuilt Linn Troika, Armageddon and an ARO rewired by Linn (not Naim) which I found online.


Yes I will post something on the Epos thread. Thanks for the suggestion. I had some photos from Andrew taken during the rebuild.

My local Naim dealer told me recently that an equivalent new speaker of the same standard would cost at least £3500 so your figure of £4000 seems about right. Considering the price paid when new and the 35 years I’ve had with them (not 25 years as I mistakenly said in the original post :open_mouth: ) they’ve been an absolute bargain.


Thanks for the welcome.

Thanks for the picture Graham. I envy you having an Aro, such a nice looking arm but I would need a cueing lever to be confident of using it :blush: Here’s a better picture of the plinth anyway.


Hi all… No change to the system, but it’s just had some album art put in place above… which just makes it all look a lot better. Very happy… :blush:

Edited to add better picture!


There have been two armlifts for the ARO that I know of.

The first was Naim’s own design. I forget the name, but it caused occasional accidents, more like a trebuchet or catapult - as Adam Meredith, a former Moderator of this site once remarked.

The second was, I think, a re-purposed Audio Technica item, supplied by Peter Swain of Cymbiosis, called The Lifter (reasonably enough).

I find it second nature to cue the ARO manually, but I have been doing so for about twenty years now.

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Like the album art @Neil0001. What’s the blackbox under the 9000CDT?

You’re not the first to say that…

Oh you mean the Linn, thanks, yes it’s a lovely bit of kit :grinning:


It’s the Audiolab DC Block 6. My first tentative step into power conditioners. I genuinely think it’s made a difference.


Has it reduced transformer hum? Looks the part and they are reasonably priced. I take it the 245 is the voltage, which although quite high is meant to be within acceptable levels provided.

Maybe have ACDC album High Voltage on wall.