System Pics 2024

Reduced hum slightly (I think I’ve got a noisy 250) and I would swear the sound stage has got wider… and there’s a slightly cleaner edge to notes.

Yes, very reasonably priced and it was worth having a go… I’m intrigued now as to what something more upscale like the Puritan will do.


Yes, the Puritan 156 is the one I would consider. I get a fair amount of transformer hum but haven’t bothered to do anything about it as it doesn’t bother me particularly.

If it can improve the sound then that’s different. Anyway I digress from system pics!

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Naim’s design was the Aromatic. The name was excellent, but that’s where the excellence ended.


Really ? Or do you mean befitting, as in, it stank? (Going by what you and other are saying, no experience myself)

If I’d meant befitting, I’d have written befitting. It’s a good name, as it lifted the Aro automatically. Just not that reliably.

I got what you meant, ARO-matic, is clear. But if someone describes something to me as aromatic, I don’t see that as a positive thing. Then again, I’m a non-native, so perhaps that connotation isn’t correct?

But if it is, it looks like Naim might have missed that second meaning, and that name isn’t so great after all?

Are that isoacoustics Oreo’s under your equipment? I guess they make a worthwhile change since they are under all your equipment?

Aromatic is typically a positive thing, as in aromatic spices or massage oils. An unpleasant smell would not be described as aromatic.



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They are… yes I think they do… I tried them on a couple of pieces individually and then went for the whole lot.

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There was also one called the Elevator which was made by Tiger Paw…


And Cymbiosis sells “The Lifter” designed by Peter Swain.

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The Aromatic is worth a google , it was horrendous and the Elevator used , I think Rega parts and was a quing device whereas the Audio Technica was a end of side lift a bit like the popular Little Fwend

Thanks, rosie. I’ll stick to manual cueing while my hand is still steady enough!

Has anybody tried the Furutech GT2 Pro USB in 1.8m length?

I mention length as it’s does have an effect on the overall performance.

Any System pics to speak of? :wink:

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I was asked to fit a cartridge to an old Rega, the owner was decorating, so his system was packed away.
I dug this out of storage.


I take it you are using banana plugs.


I decided to try a gentle non abrasive wax on my Sonus Faber Electa Amator III. Here is a pic of the side that is waxed, compared to the top that is not.
I loved the result so much, I then fully waxed both speakers! The Wax is Howard’s wax it all. Excellent stuff.


Thank you!! My 30s are coming soon