System Pics 2024

Time for me to put out a system pic. System now has 5 powerlines. Looking at taking up floor under LP12 to strengthen to make things more secure. Bit of wobble which is never good. Future plans health aside are for 500DR. And then Radikal 1 or 2 for LP12 and 552 DR.

And of course an ND555. Maybe all at once. Who knows?

Playing Muse on vinyl very very loud. Fans on 135s kicking in as they always do.

Loving life, beating cancer and loving Naim. How do they do it? System sounds sublime.

Much love to you all.



I’ve got a new blind to fit bit will do that at same time as strengthening the floor!



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That’s me! Or do you mean my system???


When I moved I went from a suspended floor to a solid floor and it is much better. Though now the rack is so high, I have lost some of the rigidity. Strengthening the floor is a good move, but not if it saps your strength over the next couple of months. Do it once you have moved on to the recovery phase is my advice. However, my friends would say I am being a hypocrite as I always tried to do too much during and just after treatment. So maybe do as I suggest and not as I stupidly attempted to do and suffered from as a result.


Nice, my 10 yo picked Absolution out to listen on the way back from swim training this evening, something in the air obviously :sunglasses:

I chose Sisters of Mercy for the way there, swim training went well, I credit the music :smiley:

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I am a builder. What do you think I do all day?

I am fit as a fiddlle. I am lifting steels and building stuff every day. The floor is a walk in the park. It’s just getting round to it bud.


It’s Linkin Park Hybrid Theory now!

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Week one is bad. Weeks 2 and 3 okay on treatment. I just can’t be bothered to do work on my house.

All builders are the same. They never want to do work on their own houses. Believe!

But I will sort out floor very soon! It’s priority. Especially if I get Radikal, 500DR. And maybe 552DR.


It keeps you fit to do stuff on chemotherapy. Sitting around doing nothing will produce exactly that. Nothing. I am working as normal. It’s what I do. It’s what I love. It’s what I am.


No change for me this year and nor is there likely to be.


Is that Stone Cross, Eastbourne way?

Not following the trend towards a one box then :rofl:

Loving your attitude. Keep strong.


No @bruss. Maybe a few less boxes. Hopefully bigger boxes! With more power :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yes. I live in Stone Cross near Eastbourne.

Next time I’m over I’ll see if I can find you to have a listen. We used to live near there and I visit now and again.

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I’m guessing Meteora next @Dan_M given the case on the side in the photo.

Enjoy! :grinning:

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You’re welcome to come over and have a listen @bruss. Speak to @Richard.Dane and get my details. System is quite full on. Maybe I will have a 500DR when you visit!


Going for some Pantera soon!

Haha… A nice and relaxing, chilled-out evening then! :grinning:

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OMG it’s Pantera Vulgar Display of Power at this hour. Whatever next?

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