System Pics 2024

Unfortunately not bud. Loving the vibes here though!

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What Sisters of Mercy were you listening to? Will check it out.

A nice, gentle spot of Korn next, methinks! :grinning:

What an awesome system! I can only dream… :blush:


Class :wink:

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@Neil0001 . You system isn’t far from mine. You have an absolutely awesome system. It looks wonderful and I bet is sounds it! We are together awesome!


Great to hear, congrats! What color did you order?

Wow! :+1:

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It’s a bit of a running joke with the parents of some of the other swimmers I take that I stick challenging/ancient music on in the car, to help broaden their musical horizons :wink: New Order, Protoje, Black Sabbath, Yussef Dayes, Johnny Marr, Ali Farke Toure have all featured. I’ll stick Taylor Swift on one day just to really catch them out :wink:


I am listening to Michael Jackson now on Thriller. Let’s say I have eclectic tastes. Mayne Bach or Chopin next! From Jungle, Techno, heavy metal, progressive rock, jazz and classical, I love most music. Generally I like music to be direct and to provide a bit of substance.

Not really into mainstream radio stations. Would rather listen to LBC and catch up on current events!


Love New Order and Black Sabbath on your list. :heart_eyes:

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The MFSL version is incredible!

Why would you ? You have an amazing system, especially those ATC ‘s :saluting_face:

@Dan_M power!! I love Panteta, I am a metal fans. :laughing:

I not only waxed the wood, but I applied a leather conditioner to the leather on the front baffle. The speakers now look better than when I took them out of the box! Rules be damned!


Awesome, Dan. Just awesome. Love it!

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Both, Dan. Both.


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I love your System and your positivity

Keep on rockin’ @Dan_M


Hi Dan, I really love how everything from different era’s and manufacturers just goes together on your racks.



I kept exercising throughout my chemo and radiotherapy and I agree it is good to do so. However, sometimes I do know that now I overdid it and suffered for it, it sounds like you have a better handle on what you can do than I did. Returning to your system pics, it does look very impressive and I am sure it sounds even better.