System Pics 2024

My serious hifi purchases (the Naim amps I still use to this day) were made at Jefferies HiFi in Green Street, Eastbourne, and I spent years in Eastbourne, only moving - not very far - when I married - the girl who lived a few streets away from Jefferies.

Current status in my rack is this…

The rack is bespoke made. Does not compare in the scheme of things here among the Fraims and so on.

Also, I know Stone Cross (and have had to visit the Crem on a few occasions)…
The area is beyond recognition these days, having been huge housing developments since the days when Eastbourne finished at the end of Seaside, and the Crumbles was a desolate wasteland, with room only for the firing range. Now housing developments streatch all the way to Pevensey and Hailsham (home to Spendor’s early days in the old rope yard), and when there was a railway running up through Horam, Heathfield and on to Tunbridge Wells - now all lost to Beeching’s lack of imagination and forsight (the railways that is, not Spendor).


The smoke.

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@matthewk hi … congrats on your Dyns 30 purchase !! Cheers

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A few changes since I last posted my system in 2022. I turned the room around 180° - well the contents that is- and I’ve purchased a Panasonic DP-UB9000 blu-Ray player, rather than a CD player. As I also wanted to play 4K UHD Blu-Ray and audio Blu-Rays as well as CDs.
I purchased a table to stand my Icon Audio headphone amp and Atom HE amp together.

I had an electrician in to install a double power socket behind the TV and also to run a conduit up the wall from skirting level to behind TV for HDMI cables. Mrs D doesn’t like to see cables. A plasterer then made good the wall.


Hope the sound was appealing. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Keep going…

For the record, the amp and speakers have those horrible spring clips. The system was originally used for transferring vinyl to digital and has fallen by the wayside.
Given the recent furore, I am hesitant to admit the amp is class D.
It works well enough as a desk top system, especially for someone who doesn’t particularly enjoy near field. In a moderate size room the volume control is nearly all the way up. No, it doesnt really have bass and not great dynamics, but it carries a tune and The Congos sounded good enough that we listened to the whole album.

Inspired by @Dan_M yesterday, full on rock (with red wine) tonight. Theory of a Deadman, Disturbed, Five Finger Death Punch, Led Zeppelin and many more. Orion playing presently.

Naim Rocks! ../


Fantastic. Enjoy those bands. Awesome!.Bet your system sounds incredible.

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Played Master of Puppets earlier :grinning:


Remember seeing them at Hammersmith Odeon on the Master of Puppets tour. Cliff Burton on bass !


Listening to malevolent creation now… :muscle:t2::laughing:

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The new listening room is officially open! Still needs a bit of work to get it where I need it to be, notably a bigger rug and some curtains with a heavy acoustic lining to reduce some of the reflections.

SWMBO has now got used to where I’ll be when she can’t find me!

Particularly pleased with breaking the old Marantz CD63 KI Sig out of storage - I’ve had that for over 20 years!


I saw them at Bradford on the MoP tour with Anthrax in support. Great gig but very stiff neck the following day.

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Wow, this is rather lovely indeed. You must be delighted with the result, what a place to enjoy. I really like the record stand on the right too, with the flip tray on top.


@VintageMike nice Marantz KI sig. a very popular CD model in the 90s , great sound


That’s the spirit @Dan_M :+1:

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That’s a nice looking room. I can almost smell the “freshly painted” vibe :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @VintageMike
Lovely room there. Those speakers look a bit more Kudos than Dali, have you changed speakers as well or are my eyes just a bit wonky.

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I’d have guessed Neats.

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You may well be correct. My thinking was S20A

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