System Pics 2024

you would have thought that with all this kit it would sound good but no, very harsh I know but so was the sound. I am pretty sure it was down to the ripped recording being played, not a great demo record to be honest, Good show though and loved the new Focal Aria Evoke X being played with the Star.


Been down that road know how you feel

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Wow superb!

I’m not suggesting the Uniti Core is bad, but they always have to demo using it and only ever show a 100% Naim system, including all the cabling and so forth (yes, I know why and that they have to before someone makes a point about it).
It would be nice if they included analogue sources, a turntable at least (they even make one of their own) or for some fun an open reel machine perhaps?
That idea that’s it’s only truly a Naim system and optimal once it’s a Statement system, whilst being aspirational, does somewhat dampen what sits beneath it, which is the fundamental premise of these “add more Naim boxes to get closer to Naim’s version of perfection” type demos.

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Having recently heard a similar level of harshness from an ND555 streaming from Qobuz into a similar system (full Statement amp, bigger Focal speakers), I’m prepared to believe that the source of your harshness could have been elsewhere.

Looks very nice and did you had the opportunity doing comparison with the “Golden badge” version ?

Mine are the Gold Badge version, I think that is the only model that Falcon sell.

Really nice and did you make any comparison with other brand/model like Proac 10 sing, Spendor,… ?

Asking because those are on my wish list to be added on my new system.

No, I heard a pair of LS3/5A loudspeakers years ago and really liked them, but I had no use for them, as I have my QUAD Electrostatics.

It was only when I made an impulse buy of a Nait50 that I needed to find a source (LP12/ARO/Ekos) and a pair of 'speakers.


Thx, …Nait 50 + Falcom should be amazing :wink:

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They look good - very nice setup there :sunglasses:

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After selling my NAP500 I then moved on the Witch Hat Morgana Mono DIN to XLR cables.
As we all know Witch Hat went into liquidation so I’ve been looking for a stereo Morgana DIN to XLR to go between the 552 / 250, look what turned up today :wink:



Haven’t posted for a while (busy with work) but I took the opportunity strip the system down and give it a thorough [spring] clean. I’ve not changed anything for nearly a year since I let my lovely SL2s go but it all sounds really good and seems to work well in my new(ish) room.

The Dynaudio Heritage Specials are lovely things:


Wow lovely photos.

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I’d be terrified of someone walking into those loudspeaker cables and causing an expensive accident with said loudspeakers toppling off their stands!

Bit shorter than 3 metres per side speaker cables there. :scream:
Probably sounds fine but not a good look. :zipper_mouth_face:

The cables are behind the system. There is no chance of anyone walking into them.

I thought they looked tidier than long cables draped all over the place.


I think they look fine, excellent speakers too!

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