System Pics 2024

It’s going to take weeks I reckon. It was from a dealer and is a trade in. So probably hasn’t been used for weeks if not months.

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:grinning: I did look at that… Too big and the wrong colour.

Awesome @Dan_M… Looks fantastic and sure it already sounds it! Looking forward to hearing how it settles into your awesome system!

Just wait until you get that Radikal! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Believe me you’ll know when it wakes up. It isn’t subtle


It’s sounding better already. The 500DR is running warm as I have been blasting it. It’s only been switched on an hour and is sounding better.


Read on a German website that the guy from IKEA who designed it, is an Audiophile and „camouflaged“ it as a chopping block. I don’t know whether it is right or not. I bought one to exchange a slate plate ( don’t know the exact English word) on my former TT and there was a big improvement so it has been there since then.

After that I bought a spare one for the future, and here it is :wink:

It’s in a different league to 135s already. Sounds epic.


So far I would say the 500DR makes me want to play music loud. And not stop playing music. Feet tapping away. It’s an awesome amp. I am very pleased with it. The condition of it is is better than expected and getting a powerline with a 2000 unit was a big bonus. The price I paid this is worth a whole lot more than £6100. It’s a steal, I made a deal, it’s the sale of the f !!!**** century :wink:


Did you check with Naim on the service history?


That’s brilliant!! I can only imagine how good it’s sounding @Dan_M

When I got my ‘lowly’ 250DR the other month, I’ll admit I was a little bit ‘meh’ when I first got it plugged in. After a 4-5 days of being powered up, sounds twice the amp. I can only imagine what audio nirvana is awaiting you once that badboy get warmed through!

Nice bit of London Grammar ‘Hey Now’ will soon get those drivers working! :wink:

Enjoy yourself tonight discovering your whole collection again!


It sounds awesome but sometimes voices don’t sound quite right. It’s not warmed up properly. It will come together over next few weeks. Sometimes it won’t sound right and then moments of brilliance. A 250DR is a high grade amp. Nothing wrong with that.

I wasn’t planning a 500DR. I was planning a Radikal! Somehow the idea got in my head and now I have one. That’s how life happens sometimes. You have to run with it!


What is the issue with speaker cable less than 3m, is this a Naim thing or general, mine are 3m so not an issue but i’m curious why 3m is so important?


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Its 3.5m in fact … what Naim are trying to say without making it too technical only concerns Naim’s speaker cable NACA5.
Naim use the speaker cable inducatnce to apply an inductance load to help stablise the output stage devices.
The load needs to be a minimum of 3.5uH (ideally more) and as NACA5 has an inductance of 1uH per meter, therefore a minimum of 3.5m is recommended.
But remember that only applies to NACA5, all other cables will have a different inductance & ideally require different lengths.

Thanks for the reply.

Does this apply to all Naim amps, both integrated and power, old and new?

I ask as I probably have succumbed to a 222/300/250 combination later this year.

It’s not possible to demo different carts. I got alot of advice from John at Audio T Brighton and opted for XX2 MkII. It is superb. Obviously the higher you go up the scale the better it will be. To be honest when Karousel was fitted I was disappointed. Looking back I think the cart was at end of life. At big expense changing out tonearm, cart and phono made the LP12 my main source, above my streamer which is excellent also. And that’s still with Lingo 1.

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I’ll probably upset the Naim police … but IME its mostly the older design power amps.
I have not heard a problem with an intergrated although my Nait-2 certainly objected to a 5m length of very low inductance / very high capacitance cable whereas my Supernait was completely unphased.
I have zero experience with the latest amps

But this is thread drift … :wave:

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Naim recommend 3.5 metres for each speaker cable but I found an old email where Julian was happy with 3 metres so that does me.
I needed 2 and a bit for one speaker but the other one only over a metre so it’s figure of 8 under the rack.
Never coil excess cable but either fold evenly fire cracker style or figure 8.


Not yet. Was at work and then came home and set it up. I will do soon and let you know. It all works well and is sounding really great considering it’s warming up.

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Are you thinking of getting one at all?


Yeah, totally know what you mean @Dan_M

It will definitely get better, I’ve heard first hand just how much better my 250 got and this is in a whole different league… so yeah, a few days will have you grinning like a Cheshire cat I’m sure!

Hahaha I know, right! I asked about an Urika and ended up with a 250DR! :joy:

I’m glad I haven’t rushed though, as I’m very happy I changed to the 250. I’m feeling like a keel is maybe my next leap now I’ve had time to think. All in time though… I’m just enjoying the research and the journey!

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