System Pics 2024

the golf clubs are a nice touch

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Sounds good Dan :+1:. You are a bad influence :sweat_smile: - I think what I will do is schedule a NAP 500DR home demo with my local friendly dealer at some time. I suspect it will prove very expensive to my moth-eaten wallet but for the moment happy to stick.

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The Keel is meant to be a huge upgrade, perhaps bigger than tonearm. You’ll be halfway towards a Linn Klimax. Then tonearm, cart and Urika.

Don’t underestimate the tonearm and cart. I changed to Ekos 2 and MC cart and it’s in a different league.


£6100 imcluding delivery. Remember that. It’s a small price to pay once you sell your 300DR.

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Talking of which I have 4 boxes stacked up in my listening room I need to sell to pay for this 500DR!

For anyone thinking of doing it. Then I would say yes. The burndys are long and the head unit is on base Fraim. The only way I could get them off the floor was on Fraim level 4 so you need to factor that in. It’s big, it’s heavy so may not be for everyone. You need to be dedicated with cable dressing. Ideally you don’t want cables touching each other. As minimum you need space behind the stacks so that burndys don’t touch the floor or walls.

The 500DR is for someone who is dedicated to their set up and wants no compromise.


The trouble is - there’s always the risk that upgrading a power amp has the undesirable effect of showing up speaker limitations and then resulting in unwanted (big) extra costs to re-optimise. In my case that would probably be the big Confidence speakers and I’d rather not go there…

Very happy with my system sound at the moment so casual home demo to check system impact is the logical approach I think. In addition it would allow me to check for fit and Burndies etc. - I don’t do Fraim.

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It’s big commitment and knock on effect so I get you completely. My speakers are working well with 500DR. And I have medium height Fraim shelves to accomodate the 500DR.

The 52 and Supercap 2 is controlling the 500DR very well. It doesn’t seem lacking at all.

My sources are well resolved. I have full powerline loom and great interconnects.

My mains block could be improved, but that’s icing on the cake.

Yes a Radikal for LP12 would be great, as would a 552, ND555 and Chord M6.

The list goes on and on. But I am enjoying the new power amp. I certainly don’t feel the need to change anything immediately.

I am sure funds permitting a 552 and Radikal will come my way. Even with.price drops, this stuff is expensive.


I made the same jump and it was a significant upgrade, with the phono stage upgrade to the NVC and NPX TT the cartridge really sings in my modest system.

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Your system is certainly not modest Paul. You have Selekt level LP12 with great phonostage and a brand new 200/300 series. I take it you have Lingo 4? And you have same cart as me which I think is fabulous.

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When I started my Naim journey I had an LP12- PU2-Asak, 42-110 and Linn Kan speaker, which was the entry-level Naim then, the Nait came out a few years afterwards. Now I have the entry-level separates system so in the Naim world it is modest. In the real world, it is a luxury item beyond the means of most. I am very fortunate and very happy with my system.


It’s all relative…with a 24 year old Nap 500DR, 52 which is older still, 2012 NDS and ancient LP12 my system could be described as a vintage hifi system.

We both have top notch systems whatever way you look at it. How is your system doing? Are you enjoying it?


Late night listening huge bass!


Hmm, I’ve recently sold a stereo DIN - XLR Morgana & acquired a mono pair. We should have arranged a trade… or maybe we did? :thinking:

A chap on PFM called Andrew ended up with my Morgana mono

I am really enjoying it. The NVC is nearing the end of the running-in and keeps getting better. There is a real synergy between the NVC and 222/250 and I think the NVC is a good match for Dynavector cartridges. And ATC speakers work best with Naim to my ears. So nearly one year into my NC system, I feel delighted with the system.


There’s no doubt that the Keel makes a massive improvement to the tightness and depth of the sound produced from the LP12.

Does a new LP12 come with a Keel, or at least a Kore, as standard these days?

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It depends on the level of the new LP12, Selekt has the Kore and Radikal a Keel fitted.

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The basic model comes with Majik sub chassis. The Kore or Keel can be fitted at additional cost.

**Roon core: Nucleus
**Amp: Naim Uniti Nova
**Speakers: B&W 702 S2
**Cables: Audioquest Rocket 33
**Television: Philips Oled 805 55”
**Switch: Silent Angel Bonn N8 (with Shunyata cable)
**Ethernet: Ziggo 1GB giganet
**Acoustical treatment: absorber behind listening position.


Very tasteful decor I must say, where do you live?