System Pics 2024

Thanks! This is The Netherlands, with Scandinavian touch.


Is it a specialist absorber?

Well, it is an 40mm thick acoustic panel, with (custom) photo art over it. Try searching ‘acoustic panels painting’. Works and looks great!


@Neil0001 hi… Bart has posted his pic w acoustic panels behind his sofa, same layout as your pic …

Beautiful contemporary layout and color scheme … well matched !!!:clap:t2:

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Yes, don’t want to change my art. I want to if possible fill it with something appropriate… that’s what I’m looking for…

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So I tested a Rega Aura and a Superline/HiCap a couple of weeks ago, against my Cyrus Phono Signature/PSXr2 combo.
For me the Aura was good and definitely shone over the Cyrus, but it came across a bit less refined than the Superline. The Superline definitely carried a much classier sound bringing a whole new sweetness to the sound from my LP12.
As a result the pic below shows my system with its new Superline/HiCap DR combo😊

Also both HiLines have left the building. The NDX2 is now connected with a Chord Epic and I’ll be testing an Epic on the SuperLine soon too.
End Game system… :thinking: :wink:


Very nice ambience in your living room and very nice system. I think it sounds good. Enjoy. I also use a Silent Angel Bonn N8 - the Forrester power supply has brought another improvement.

Really nice system :+1:

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Hi @QuickSticks
Liking your addition of a SuperLine. Congratulations.
You may know went the same way, in our house too, last year.
Very nice :+1:

Do report on how you get along with it, in time.

Happy listening

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Thank you @ratrat :+1:t3:
I can tell you straight away that this is not a purchase I will ever regret…:blush:
Been running since 2ish yesterday afternoon and all day today and it’s sounding amazing already.


Did you try the NVC TT powered by and direct into the 222 as opposed to with the power supply?

I only tried it with the NPX TT. I heard the pair together and it sounded sublime to me and after a few tracks, I coughed up the cash. I believe @philiprst has tried it with and without the NPX.


It’s looking Epic :+1:

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If you think it’s good with the HC powering the Superline wait ‘till you swap it out for a Supercap DR!!


HiCap is where I’m stopping, at least for the foreseeable future :wink:


You’ve done alot to your system. You can keep going and going inching forwards. It’s great set up. It’s knowing when to stop.

Unfortunately I haven’t learnt when to stop and have kept going and going.

But the results pay dividends in sound quality but not bank balance. :rofl:

Still it is worth it in my opinion!


When I hit the heights of a full 500 system I loved what the setup produced, but niggles regarding the looks i.e. the space it took up crept in spent more time thinking “what have I done” felt miserable sort of Jeykll and Hyde.

Sold the 500, now one rack, order is restored without much loss in terms of performance, much happier.

The above had nothing to do with finances either, all my kit is bought and paid for just wasn’t for me.


As I’ve given up work (retired) now, protecting my bank balance has now moved much further forward in the priority stakes.
System is excellent and I love listening to it.
I even enjoyed playing Zeppelin 1 yesterday😉


Main system and room still not ready for prime time wide shot sadly.

Saturday noon, recording some vinyl for the NAS.