System Pics 2024

Thanks for the mention Paul. I have owned an NVC TT for a while and now power it from my 300 series. I have only heard a demo of the NVC TT with the NPX power supply however. I am using a LP12 with an Ekos SE and Dynavector XX2 mk2. The NVC TT sounds very good when powered by the 300 series but there is a significant improvement with its own power supply. The NPX TT is definitely in my future but in my particular use case I need to balance performance over vinyl, CD and streaming sources. If I was vinyl only with the NVC TT then I would probably add the NPX TT before adding the NPX300 power supply.

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I thought I recalled reading that the NC boxes, or maybe the comment was specific to the NSC222, when powered by the NPX300, used a dedicated power feed from the NPX, via the pre, to any connected NVC box. Do you recall that? And/or would that change your priority order for the power supplies?

I can try and find the post, I’m sure it was from an official Naim source

… reading your post again, sorry, you already have the NPX, and have heard the NVC sounding better with it’s own NPX-TT?

Adam - out of curiosity; what were you using pre-SN3? And was it driving Gurus/LS50 type speakers? Curious as your SN3 is pumping a lot of juice through small-ish speakers (a concept I like) and wanted to hear how that experience changed…

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Thanks! I don’t recall having seen anything about the dedicated power feed from the NPX300 to the phono preamp and I would be interested to read that. In the context of vinyl playback I did ask Naim support about adding an NPX300 vs adding the NPX TT and they favored adding the NPX TT first. In the meantime I got a great opportunity to buy a second hand NPX300 at a price well below MSRP so I added that first.

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Added a Supercap DR this morning, and I think that’s me finally done (famous last words). I might demo a 252 at some point, but when I listened to one before I’m not sure I preferred it over the 282. There’s something really gripping about this amp. For now I’m going to just put my feet up and listen for a while. It’s been a long 2 years going from a Bluesound Node and an XS3 to where I am now!


Nice looking rack. Very stylish.

The 282 was excellent but for me a little fatiguing when loud (could have been the 250DR, in retrospect), 252/300DR for me was/is near perfect (I say near cos I’ve never had the pleasure of the 500’s).


I’ve looked before and this was the post I found, but was sure I remembered a more direct answer, anyway, at face value the NPX appears to power the NVC when connected via the 200 or 300 series pre amplifier

Thanks so much. The answer you quoted is a bit confusing because both the 300 and 200 series preamps can power the NVC TT without a NPX300 connected.

Hi MF, pre SN3 I had an XS2 and that was into the Guru QM10’s in the room I have the SN3 now. Prior to that I had the Densen’s that are in the cabin and on the Ls50 metas now onto B&W N805’s, in that case bi-amped with the integrated on the bass end and the power amp on the high end.

I’ve always been a fan off stand mounts, hence three pairs of them on the end of my amps. The Ls50’s are loving being on the Densen B100 Beat amp.

A new addition to the family… Nait50

(And with the built in Phono Stage, awaiting a new TT very soon)


Have redecorated the study and took the opportunity to replumb the system in here (it’s a rare opportunity as the record and cd storage weighs a ton and is ordinarily impossible to move!)

Nait 50 replaced Ion Obelisk 3, Nac a5 in for the TQ black, Chord Qutest in for the Rega Dac R, Wiim Pro Plus more than replaces the Chromecast, Teac replaced the Audiolab 6000T.

Net result of moving all the records and CDs around is I will have to re-alpha them and re-file, so there’s a lost weekend coming up. Sounding good tho’ :grinning:


I love that system and its context. A great balance of the music media and the means by which to replay it!


Are those Kudos X2 or X3 with different stands ? :thinking:

They are the Kudos X2 with original stands.


Thanks X3s live here I just thought the gap between cabinet and stand looks bigger.
Great Speakers should go well with the 50 too. :+1:t2:

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Thanks @Skeptikal, they do sounds tremendous with the 50. - But realised I now need to upgrade the source. Planning to pick up a TT and start my Vinyl journey very soon.

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I’ve been up and down the range for similar reason(s) over the past 5 years :slight_smile:

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Nice photo and system there. I also love my Nait 50 driving some X2. Cheers,


If I bought a Fraim that’s exactly the colour combo I would go for. Gorgeous setup and the Ovators are the icing on the cake. Beautiful photo.

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System looks gorgeous @wito.

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