System Pics 2024

Nice. Really classy, thoughtful images.
Thanks for sharing.

Monochrome is a nice touch too.
Works really well for those pictures.


You’ve come along way @Scotchegg. Take your time. I had a very nice 82 for around 6 years before I changed to a 52. I had the 82 with 1 HiCap, then 2 HiCaps. Then a Supercap 2 which is with my 52.

Although different the 82 and 282 are similar as are 52 and 252. Hence comparison made.

Sit back and enjoy your wonderful system.


Thanks @ratrat

Say, do you use a LPSU with your Zen mini3?
With the SuperUniti on the sidelines, I now use the Zen Mini 3s internal DAC as my source for the Nait 50. It’s actually very good with plenty of detail and wide soundstage, but can be a little bright at times. So I’m wondering if getting a LPSU would tame it a bit. Or should I not bother and get an external DAC instead, like a Chord Qutest or something similar. Possibly a nDAC, if I can find one.

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Answer = Yes

We thought the LPSU was a decent improvement. Similar to adding a Naim PSU, little bit more grip, better bass, more detail apparent. For the cost, decided it was worthwhile, so use our ZM as a two box solution.

As this is Systems Pics, here’s a picture :wink:

Image : Innous Zen mini mk3 S + LPSU → DC1 → nDAC → NAC72 + HC → NAP140

The internal DAC is actually pretty good, (at its price point). Although a Chord Qutest or nDAC is a nice step forward. We tried both and considered them to be similar level, albeit, preferred the presentation of our nDAC.

Hope that helps.

There is more on these details, and other nuances, on the thread “A Journey into Digital Streaming, over in Streaming Audio

Good luck.


These days, Kudos only makes two series, Cardea and Titan, or?

I’ve had the NDX2/XPSDR with the 282/SCDR. It’s a great set up

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Very nice! How would you describe the difference with the Supercap DR on the 282?

Now that’s funky!

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Yes, the X2 and X3 were discontinued a couple of years ago.

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Cool photos @DomTomLondon :+1:
As a keen (in a lull at the mo!) photographer love B+W shots


New edition to the family :grinning: Picked it up at the show with 10% discount so no brainer, very subjective but everything still sounds crisp, defined and clear with the Rel T7/x doing its subtle job very nicely. I talked to Jason at the show about next upgrade and he recommended the 200 series as the next step away from the Nova when the budget allows…thought on this ?


Did the same… I agree.

I actually don’t feel it’s a dramatic leap to be honest. I remember when I put a hicap on my old Supernait 3 and that was a big change, likewise when I put the XPSDR on my NDX2. Both were big, noticeable changes that you felt instantly. The second Hicap DR and then from those to a Supercap DR were both quite small in comparison and more about the nuances. To me the Supercap definitely has a little more solidity to the sound and feels more weighty and present in the bottom end. It also feels like it’s given the amp a subtle degree of refinement and it feels a little less raw at the edges at times. I also feel like the whole system sounds a little more cohesive now, especially when playing at low or relatively high volumes. I used to feel like the 282 only really came on song at the right volume and either side of that, it would sound good, but maybe not its best. Now, the volume feels less fussy. So overall quite a big change, but just not as flashy or dramatic of a change like the XPSDR on the NDX2, if you know what I mean.


Thanks for this helpful and detailed response. I do understand what you mean. I love my 282 and at higher volumes it is superb. It does sound like to your ears the Supercap DR makes the 282 a better amp at other volumes as well. And while I like the “rawness” of the 282 sound, perhaps a little more refinement wouldn’t be a bad thing.

The time you have take to respond is much appreciated. I know there are differing opinions about this on the forum but I am alway curious to hear new opinions. It’s a possible route for me going forward, although I am very happy where I am with a single HiCap DR in play.


Replaced the Superuniti with Rega Brio. The Brio has more oohmp in subbass, is more 3D and is less fatigue but still lively.

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What is it?

Hi Mike its the EE1 Network Noise removal system developed by English Electric under the Chord label. it sits in series as a last line of defence to remove noise and smooth out the 1’s & 0’s



The main system. This feeds the two Ovator s600’s.


Does it?

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Lovely photos Dom and also great to see my old X2s looking absolutely stunning. Enjoy the Nait 50, I bet it all sounds sweet!

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