System Pics 2024

Oooh…you don’t want to smooth those out….they need to stand out from each other. :crazy_face:

Do I need to get the popcorn out?


Welcome to my system with 500DR working brilliantly with 52, NDS and LP12. It sounds absolutely awesome.

It’s helping with my battle living with cancer.

Thank you all for your continued support! Anyway back to system pics. The system I now have sounds better than ever. Making tweaks with cable dressing and enjoying experimenting.

If anyone is thinking 500DR. It is a big game changer from 2 x 135s. It’s a big boy amp! So much grip to speakers. Needs careful set up though :wink:


Very beautiful pic, I like your cd/lp collection and the general order and symmetry of your system. I have the iota and the nait50 too in my bedroom system and I think they’re a perfect combination. C


Very nice pics, how do the kudos sound with this little amp? Is the low range well braked or does it tend to have a bit of color? I ask because I’m very interested in these loudspeakers. Best. C

I added lightness to my bedroom…
My previous mini system…

And the new…


Very nice! Congratulations, @Adam1! I am very curious how you compare them with the Q10s.

Hi CM, They definitely have the Guru house sound.

Similarities to the Q10’s would be great timing, the ability to hold a tune together even at low volume and coherence of sound across the frequency spectrum.

The main difference is they just have a bit more of everything. So they will go way louder with ease, the bass is deeper and the soundstage is expanded, they are more transparent as well.

Whilst looking at the specs of both they quote similar sensitivity but in my experience the 12s are more sensitive.

I imagine the more conventional shape and construction is simpler and less costly to produce. That’s not a slight on the 12’s, more a nod of admiration that they managed to produce the Q10’s for the price they were.

In some ways I’m reminded of the Toyota MR2 mk1 vs mk2, the former being the ground breaker at the time for the latter to come and refine what it’s predecessor did.


Collin Chapman (of Lotus fame) would be proud. :wink:

How do the two systems compare?

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Unfortunately our Arcam Solo Movie MK1 in the bedroom has started to play up - goes silent whatever the source/input for a few seconds every minute or so.

Anyway, here is the hastily cobbled together replacement system using an Arcam DV135 and an Arcam Alpha One amplifier that my sister has had in storage for years and which previously belonged to our Great Aunt. Still using the Piega TS3 speakers and Tibo Bond 3 streamer.

For all it’s refinement, the Solo sounded a bit flat in comparison, while the Alpha One really has invigorated the speakers. The Solo was great for background listening unless at high volumes, the Alpha One sounds full and engaging even when playing quietly. Granted it’s not as neat as the all in one but the only real downside is no remote control for volume.


I’m a Lotus addicted😉 too…I liked the previous system for over ten years but, after having listened to new NAIT50, I decided to simplify the bedroom trio for aesthetic reason but adding a special integrated amplifier. NAIT50 it’s a very special tiny giant capable of power and control and can tame also bigger loudspeakers. It’s a perfect combination with my iota and also I listened to with Ovator s600 (thanks to RSCH) and they sound very well. It’s a limited edition piece, I like the vintage style and sound like a real NAIM, compared to NAP100 it’s a bit powerful and refine. I hope there will be a CB Streamer to pair with…it would be the cherry on top. C


… a michael spin on a sunny saturday morning :sun_with_face: :sunglasses:


Nice :+1:
Love the USM Modular furniture
Great look :eyes:

Happy listening

Not a system pic per se, but still an update to my listening space…:wink:

…it was about time I had a proper welcome mat😊


I had an Elise MK2 Sports Tourer - great fun.
Sounds like the Nait 50 delivers beyond what its size and specifications would suggest. Looks a very nice and sensible combination for the space.

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I’ve sold my 2 x Naim amps and my chord dac. The Thorens is also for sale as are my Harbeths :frowning: - needs must. Once I’ve sold my house and settled up I will be cash rich again and probably looking for another Harbeth/Naim system. Every cloud eh

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Wet and windy Saturday afternoon. Good excuse to play some live EC at concert volume levels :smile:


New boxes arrived today… a few adjustments needed but almost there for a while! 252 and 300dr added! :sunglasses:


Hanging out with these 3 chaps this afternoon and flexing the 222, suitably impressed 24hr’s in.


Congratulations @Neil0001. Big upgrade moment. How are you getting on with it so far?

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my system with new updates. I went from 252/spcdr and 300 dr to 332/npx300 and 350x2. It was great before, but I think the nap 350s make a big difference in my system. :smiley::smiley::smiley: