System Pics 2024

Thanks Tony. An opportunity to pay through the nose for something you already have is not to be missed. Boomers need to spend their cash on something I suppose.

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Your four N-Subs interest me. How do you have them configured? Do the top and bottom in each stack share the same crossover and gain settings or does each one have it’s own setting, much like a Rel 6-pack?

Did you find that stacked subs give you an increase in bass height/sound stage height or are the benefits more about vertical room modes (we tend to worry more about horizontal/2d room modes) or an increase in output capability?

Great room!!

How is your 300DR, have you got it sorted?

Actually in this case, there’s more than the usual reason to be interested here; CS&N releases have been somewhat notorious in never quite sounding as good as one might expect, and in some cases sounding surprisingly muddy and lacklustre. The music is of course wonderful, so if anyone can somehow turn out a release with the sound quality it has always deserved, then it’s reason to celebrate. Early reports around the web suggest that AP may have achieved what others have not (including MFSL with their recent One-Step release), so I’m curious to hear from members who may have already heard this new reissue.


It looks like I have… It seems to have been a cable issue. I’m keeping an eye on it, because as one person said it could be a bad cable solder, so it could show again. But for now, it all seems to be okay. :crossed_fingers:t2: Thanks for asking…


I had the original vinyl but loaned it and never got it back, so ended up with a digitally remastered CD version that does address some of the murky and veiled presentation. Unfortunately it also equally filtered out some of the charm and ‘period correctness’ of the original. So I’m definitely interested in this new release. Couldn’t care less if it makes me a boomer :wink:


So very tempting to add a 4th copy of this album in hopes of getting that purer sound it’s always lacked @Richard.Dane. I’ve just added it to shopping cart on AP’s store and am now giving myself a 24 hour cooling off period before pulling the trigger.
It would be nice to hear from anyone who has already purchased and has a verdict to share though.

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WOW! stacked nsubs too!!

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My “Music Corner” is pretty close to completion and looking really good (for me anyway!). Importantly with yesterday’s big changes, it’s sounding really good. The 252 and 300 DR seem to be settling quite quickly.

There’s one more item to arrive in the next week or so.

I can’t seem to get a photo that does it all justice though… anyway… this one is an improvement on yesterday’s effort.


The main thing is it is up and running. Keep it playing 24/7 on low volume. It will take a few weeks to settle in. And try not to think about any problems you had with set up. Enjoy the music.

Happy Sunday everyone! :blush:


Thank you very much for the kind words.

The subs all have the same settings. The wonderful thing about the N-Subs is that they have a control line and the subs work as a UNIT. As an example, I change the gain via the remote control and all N-Subs adopt the setting.
Then the N-Subs have THREE different inputs. One input is occupied by the AV2 (LFE) and stored in the memory (master), a second RCA input stereo is supplied directly by the supercap.
So you can switch between cinema and stereo operation. That’s the genius of the N-subs.
I stacked the N-subs because I just don’t have the space :slight_smile:


Ah. Nothing quite like a bolt hole of one’s own. Family life, eh (I assume)?

In my place, it’s called “the lounge”. :wink:

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I’d assume not, I’ve had that copy for a long time, but the pressing you reference does certainly sound interesting.

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With the NAP500 and MScaler now with new owners the Fraim down to a more room friendly one stack I’m left with an incredible 5 box setup into SL2s.

From the top: 552DR / DAVE / ND5XS2 /552PS / 250DR

AR Lunar DAVE to 552DR
Naim DC1 ND5XS2 to DAVE
Witch Hat Morgana 552PS to 250DR
Witch Hat Phantom 250DR to SL2s

Powerlines on the 552PS and 250DR

With all the setups I’ve owned over the years this has to be the most enjoyable, not just in performance but looks too and with the space it takes up.


My Cabin was a space my wife chose back when I was going through my health issues back in the 2010’s. It used to house my Drum Kit as well.
Now it’s just me and the system😊


She probably chose it for the drum kit more than your health issues.

Just a wild guess…


Thank you so much for your first impressions on the new Guru speakers. Sounds promising. Maybe the is a chance for a home demo at some time. :slight_smile:

No worries, more than welcome. When I last exchanged emails with Erik (Guru owner) about three weeks ago he said first batch had all sold out in days and that the second run should be due around end of May.

I think unless he gets a UK dealer / distributer sorted then it will be direct orders only.

One of the first pairs other than mine went to a reviewer and dealer in France, so would expect to see some sort of review in next couple of months, plus Guru seem to have a very healthy relationship with dealers in Netherlands.

If you are ever in my neck of the woods (Watford/St Albans way) then can always arrange a listen of mine.


Glad it’s working for you. Looks fantastic. I’m curious what impact you noticed from taking the M scaler out?

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