System Pics 2024

You could probably fetch quite a bit for that as a prop for a set dresser.

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Ha, if Naim make an “ND5-XS2” in a shoebox sized chrome bumper case. I’ll pre-order on day one.


I’ve hooked up the SU from its RCA pre out, not not sure if I should set the SU volume to 100 and use the Nait 50 as pre, or use both? (not too comfortable with having the Nait at 100 volume, when it’s connected to speakers and I might forget when I choose a different source… and :firecracker: )

If they would construct something like an Innuos Mini that would be a megaseller, not only in our Naim World

Consider submitting to Stacked & Proud :pancakes: :books:

I would use both.

First use the SU at volume 50, and experiment with the Nait.

Then maybe 75-80, and experiment again.

But not 100, I would not feel comfortable.

Perhaps you can post a picture, in order to comply with the spirit of the thread.

Not my own so feel free to copy and paste!:sunglasses:

…I’m recruiting, though :sweat_smile:

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Or buy Innuos; its products are highly complementary to those manufactured by Naim.


Why keep the SU if you have sources and the Nait 50. I would be very surprised if the quality of the pre in the SU was anywhere near as good as the Nait 50 and it complicates things unnecessarily. I would sell it and use the money towards a DAC for your Innuos.

Thanks @Rafael, yes that’s what I thought. Set the SU to about 50 volume and go from there.

Good call. Here’s a quick snap. I’m going to get a lot of flak on here for the set up, but it’s easier to switch cables for me this way :sweat_smile:


Hey @ChrisSU that is exactly my plan. But was just wondering what the DAC in the SU would add to the sound. While I still have it.

I’ve got the SU listed to sell. And I think my first step, when I do, will be to add a decent LPSU to the innuos and see how much of an improve it will make to the internal DAC.

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My money’s on a DAC upgrade being a better upgrade than a PSU for the Innuos. I’m thinking maybe a V1 if you can find one, or a Chord Qutest or Hugo.


Wow, groovy baby!


This was posted originally in my speaker build thread, but I thought this would also be a good thread for this particular one.


Nice work there :+1:

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You might get some flak from your other half :grin:

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Ew. Radical. What’s the device connected to the SU on the left, BTW?

Some sort of Tibetan Chakra Adjustment Unit?


Organic Isolation cones

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My new Burmester 082 having replaced the Uniti Nova. Three weeks old and still running in…

Burmester 082
Denafrips Pontus II 12-1
ART Deco 20 Signature speakers (Alnico tweeters)
BlueSound Node X
Roksan Attessa Turntable
Transparent Music Wave Ultra speaker cables
Audio Quest Tornado High Current main power cable (Burmester 082)
Audio Quest cables throughout