System Pics 2024

So far the phone app has worked well with no connection issues. It’s a bit more work than the Sense app as that combines local and streaming music.

There are still bugs with local Internet Radio App on it but the streaming for Qobuz, Tidal and Radio Paradise works great. Roon is still being approved.

The A8 is the only one that has a pre-amp.

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It snowed last night, so today was not such a good day for cycling. I decided instead to dismantle, clean and reassemble my two Naim Fraim stacks. So now’s as good a time as any for some new pictures.


Nothing new in the main system but thought I would post a picture of the office system. Nova and Kef LS50s.


Beautiful system & room @JosquinDesPrez :+1:
I’m particularly liking that small footstool as it looks (from here) my small Sound Organisation rack. Is it available to buy anywhere?

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I got that stool on Amazon (U.S.) for $35. Search for “SZLHANJZ Step Stools for Adults & Kids”.


I like the colour of the speakers, always nice seeing different finishes.
Also like the Enterprise model! What’s the link with the Wellington?

The Wellington was what my Grandfather flew in world war two. He was killed off the east coast of Scotland on November 8th 1942. The model is a die cast replica of the specific type of Wellington he flew. Equiped with radar and a giant search light to hunt for submarines. The poster is a 1940s US air force poster from their UK bases. They were used for the ground defence staff to make sure they avoided friendly fire incedents. The enterprise model is the playmobile one - it’s really rather fun with a bunch of sound effects.

My grandfather’s recorded here:


That’s a nice tribute to him

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Every time I see your audio shack QS I get more and more envious!

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I made a few setup changes today.
I haven’t decided if I’m going to leave the moves as I’ve made them, but if I do I’ll post a pic later in the week😉
I don’t want to incur the wrath of the pedants🫣


Happy New Year everyone here!

Been a few changes since last system pics. New phono stage, Ekos 2, Dynavector XX2 Mk2, Trampolin 2, T Kable, and another powerline.

Refreshed the room with repainting walls, ceiling and new wallpaper. New blind on order and extra shelving for growing vinyl collection.

Still beating cancer and loving life!

Thanks for all your support in 2023. Let’s make this a special year everyone.

Much love,




P.s. Legend!

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Screw them. Pics pics pics baby!


I do have one @mbear, I thought I’d try a different position for the Ninka’s :thinking:

We tried this with the Keilidh’s before and it was during a period of dispute over how Linn speakers work best.
At first listen to the new placement this afternoon, the SQ is definitely better than when I moved the Keilidh’s to this position.
I’ll run it this way for a week or two and then move them back, to see how the sound changes.


Your setup and room has really transformed over the last year. Looks great and I’m sure sounds delightful.


Looking excellent Dan👍🏼
How’s the LP12 sounding with the upgrades and new Cart?


Thanks QS. The LP12 is sounding more open, more alive and more foot tapping.

Very pleased with Ekos 2 and new cart. Phonostage is very very good. Quite sensitive and works best on top shelf. But that’s not so good for NDS. It also works better on HiFi radial circuit with Naim gear, rather than on radial.

Phonostage is a sensitive soul.

Some tweaking and adjustments going on.


I would recommend the cart to anyone. Dynavector XX2 Mk2 excels.

Very good for rock, dance and reggae is what my dealer said.

Bass is solid, mids have wide soundstage and highs are sweet. Nice cart!


And more than anything shows the power of a great spirit and good sounding music!


Postponed my Cart replacement until 2025.
Done some rough maths around active hours and with the introduction of the NDX2, I think I’ve got another 13-18 months of use before I need to replace it. The Dynavector XX2 Mk2 is on my list, so I will be interested to hear your views over the coming weeks as the upgrades bed in.

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